内容简介:一个武魂灵为零的废柴,一个受人唾弃的残废,天生反骨,拜得天下第一懒的师父,获玄幽仙枕一只,从此靠睡梦一路走上人生巅峰。卧躺四海,头枕九洲,睡梦封疆,三生三死,且看他是如何逆世封神!1w 0-30083 >>
内容简介:藏兔座,冰封网球王座的天才少年。开启了一个时代的统治。“和那孩子同处一个时代,是其他人的幸运也是他们的不幸!”————————越前南次郎本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模 仿。1w0-97043 >>
内容简介:正文完结,番外会持续掉落下本开《为她做不二臣》或《他被撩了》【文案】:狗男人X假温柔传闻傅氏集团总裁傅亦铭冰冷无情,对下属极其严苛,封莞却做了他五年的秘书。直到某天封莞情急之下,把他丢 在高速公路的服务区,独自驾车离开。再回公司,他递给她一个信封。封莞愣了愣,以为她被辞退了。“好,走之前有些话我必须说。”她咬咬牙,扬声道:“傅亦铭你知道自己多讨人厌吗?洁癖,强迫症,没生活自理能力,毒舌事多没人情。要不是投胎投得好,我保证你活不到这么大。说实话这五年,我从不觉得自己是个秘书,而是你亲妈!”傅亦铭不耐烦地抬起眸:“说完了吗?”封莞点点头。“那就去把这份合同寄出去,”封莞:“?”后来,封莞相亲回家,在家门口看见一身西装的男人倚在车边吸烟。看见她,傅亦铭掐灭烟头走过来,朝她步步紧逼:“洁癖,强迫症,没生活自理能力,毒舌事多没人情。”封莞被逼退到角落,正准备求饶。却听见他说:“你做我女朋友,我都改。”封莞:“?”下本《为她做不二臣》:【性冷淡总裁X骄纵摄影师】商业联姻先婚后爱追妻火葬场(并不1简谣十六岁那年遇见洛知南,一眼倾心。四年后,洛家父亲病逝,洛知南仓促接手家族企业,面临资金链断裂危机。简谣为帮他渡过难关,主动提出联姻。领证当天,他向她父母发誓,他这辈子会敬她,重她。唯独不肯说爱她。简谣心死。2世人皆知洛知南生性冷戾,在商场上手段狠绝,令人闻风丧胆。却传闻他英年早婚,娶了位富家千金。不过从未有人见他带妻子出现过公众场合,有人称他对妻子并无感情,全靠女方死缠烂打。不久之后,有传言流出——洛知南将要离婚。不少富家千金纷纷拍手叫好,蠢蠢欲动。后来,他接受某财经杂志邀请,拍摄封面。有人在化妆间看见摄影师简谣丢给他一份离婚协议书:“上次寄给你,你说丢了。那麻烦你现在签一下。”而一贯冷厉自傲的他眼圈微红,满脸慌张地抓住她的手不肯松。“谣谣,我任你罚,不离婚好不好?”下本也可能先开这个《他被撩了》,求收藏呀!文案:1研二开学,沈棠和谈了两周的男友分手,被吐槽古板守旧。当天晚上,她借着酒劲在ktv强吻了个男人,临走时塞给他一张理发店的打折卡,媚眼如丝道:“小费。”2几天后开学,沈棠替大一学妹代课,看见讲台上的年轻副教授,想死。代课被抓,沈棠好说歹说还是被年轻教授揪回办公室,通知导师来领人。办公室里,导师冷脸问她:“为什么代课?”1w0-107787 >>
内容简介:《极品神相》方小强无意间竟然有了掌握气运的神秘能力,他砸碎霉运的源头厄运之石,破除了诅咒,自身的命运也因此发生了重大的转变。不仅事业上风生水起,还带领村民们发家致富……1w0-8283 0 >>
内容简介:每天中午十二点更新一朝穿越,姜溪成了年代后妈文中的对照组女配。书中女主知晓未来丈夫三个继子未来会十分发达,欢喜嫁过去,相夫教子,争取早日享福;对照组女配同样嫁与人当后妈,却一心只贴补娘 家舅家,把继子养歪了,最终走向灭亡,让人越发感叹女主是个好继母。穿越后的姜溪:“这后妈,爱谁谁当!”为了摆脱极品家人,在一众不看好的目光中,姜溪选择嫁给了昏迷至今的未婚夫——她宁愿1w0-97331 >>
Long ago a magical cat disguised as a human woman fell in love with a human man. It is said that during their time together they even had children. They say that afterwards, the magical cat dwelt happily as a human, that she ascended to the heavens and became a cat-god, and is even now watching over the world of cats and men. Of those descendants, the cats of Cat Forest Town say that they have mysterious powers. The townsfolk care for the cats as their guardian dieties, and the cats, too, have become attached to the humans.
Midorimaru Matsunoki, the only son of lord Matsunoki Mumeharu, retainer of Hideyoshi Toyotomi, becomes involved in his father's secret plans about construction of a new castle. Soon after encounters a female peasant school teacher, Tae, who becomes his lover. Circumstances even come to affect the beautiful female noble Yayoi, who hates (and loves) him, and his beloved sensei, samurai Fujinosuke Murasaki, the main constructer of the castle, in ways no one would have anticipated... This is a fast-paced story with overt characterization that reflects on the fairness of love and war.
A lightly paced manga about two girls who live together. A classic odd couple setup featuring a responsible character with a caring atmosphere and a more free spirited musician who has trouble both feeding herself and paying the rent.
Otonashi-san is in Puberty summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Otonashi-san is in Puberty. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Child Stories from the Masters summary: Child Stories from the Masters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Child Stories from the Masters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
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Deadman Canyon summary: Deadman Canyon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Deadman Canyon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.