内容简介:安利一下自己的新文。【她给我的繁花似锦】。点击专栏就可以看到啦~以下是本文文案:排雷:任何战队和选手都没有原型,不希望大家去代入什么选手和战队,谢谢。我本身LOL打的也很菜所以有些比赛 环节写的哪里不好还请多多担待,如果可以还是希望在评论指正,谢谢以下是一个超不正经的文案:女主她在网游里被针对被三被渣男抛弃。她从神坛跌落成为全服公敌。回了自己最喜欢的联盟打匹配,结果发现…嗯?随随便便打个匹配排到的队友都是职业选手?什么?职业选手要拉她进战队打上单?啊?这个职业选手是她曾经在韩服solo过的?诶?职业选手还要帮她吊打渣男?等等……这个职业选手好像还是她曾经喜欢过的人?直到某天这位职业选手看到了她以前用过的ID:哦?你就是白粥意?女主:有话好好说!——————正经版文案:应如意在网游中被渣男推到风口浪尖上,担了个小三的名声不说,还从女神变成了全服公敌被diss到退游。原本以为会在渣男的影响下很久才能重新去拥抱别人,谁知道猝不及防的被拉进了另一个崭新的世界。她登上了自己曾经最向往的职业选手的舞台。她的艾瑞莉娅成为了英雄联盟世界中的传奇。她从利刃中走来,重新定义了上单这个位置。熙熙攘攘的小吃街,她许了她的队长一个冠军奖杯。她一路跌跌撞撞,走过无数的质疑与嘲讽还有不看好,最终站在了S9的领奖台上。面对着鲜花与掌声,迎着那场金色的雨,应如意目光温柔的回过头看向她一生的温柔。“是苏以白。在我狼狈的时候递过来一把伞。在我的世界里黯淡无光的时候,推开了那扇紧闭的窗,让我的世界里,从此有了光。”男主版文案:是她在他打职业最迷茫的时候重新定义了他的世界。也是她在两年后一手艾瑞莉娅惊艳了他的世界。后来,他们在金色的雨中牵手,耳畔是震耳欲聋的欢呼,身侧是朝夕相处的队友。这是他的奖杯与他的女孩。他此生所有的热爱与赤忱。亦是他的光。——————我:别人写电竞文,一般写下路辅助cp,还有中野联动,上野,上中。我写一个上单和下路cp?隔着整个召唤师峡谷谈啥恋爱?我朋友:为你我用了半年的积蓄,走过整个召唤师峡谷来看你,感人至深。好,我果然不是什么正经写手。1w0-66150 >>
内容简介:【网游武侠:开局获得北冥神功】陈凡发现自己重生回到了十年前,《大武侠》发布的前三天!这款以人类进化为最终目的的游戏,陈凡再度踏上征程!跟上辈子不同!有着前世的记忆,陈凡开局就拥有了游戏 之中仅有的神功级别内功之一:【北冥神功!】【化天下武功内力为己用!永久抽取敌人内力上限为自身!】从北冥神功开始,陈凡踏上了一条从游戏,到现实的无敌之路!本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-71686 >>
内容简介:穿越到双界成为药剂师的莫山河被自己最信任的朋友坑害,没想到自己却意外获得了一颗树苗。重新活过来的他决定不再做一个战五渣。结果还没发力的他被当做奴隶拍卖到了一个科学狂人的手中。在这里他看 到了熟悉的神兽。。1w0-28893 >>
内容简介:手机阅读《超级战王》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读特种兵王回归都市,被老头子逼着去完成一桩婚事,不料频频遭到未婚妻及其表妹的刁难,又屡次被人暗算。一怒之下,聂枫不再隐忍,凭借着高潮手段,开启 了华丽的逆袭之路。1w0-99605 >>
内容简介:汝阳侯府的三姑娘,冰肌玉骨,天生惹人怜爱,却克父克母,是个十足的灾星,众人无不避之不及,太子见过却收入了府中。望着众人艳羡的眼神,阿黎却止不住地怕,出嫁前,她偷偷写了封遗书,噙着泪藏在 了衣柜里。太子却将她逼到了衣柜旁。望着他近在咫尺,又莫名有些危险的神情,阿黎忍不住缩成一团,“你、你不要过来。”太子似笑非笑地咬住了她的唇,这么可怜巴巴的小东西,真放过去哪儿再找一个去?阿黎不仅好好活了下来,还活成了众人嫉妒的模样,谁也没料到,她不仅成了皇后,后宫佳丽,竟然唯有她一人!占有欲爆表宠妻狂魔x软萌小可爱甜甜甜,超级甜宠!1w0-80518 >>
内容简介:内容简介:郑谦偶然获得恋爱神豪系统,只要在认识的女人身上花钱,竟然能获得十倍返现?!请仙姿佚貌的美女同事吃顿饭,她竟然装作喝醉……给家道中落的千金小姐买套房,她竟然以身相许……给明艳端 庄的贴身秘书买个包,她竟然……给丰姿冶丽的金融巨鳄看了一眼银行卡余额,她竟然……郑谦:你可能赚了,但我绝对不亏。不多说了,挣钱。1w0-45430 >>
A 4koma based on the video game Ys vs. Sora no Kiseki - Alternative Saga.
Ch 1-3) Love is in the air for another Kunisaki brother as the school carnival approaches. Rehearsals have begun, and Satsuki is hungry. Jumping out of the window may be one way to get away, but his ever-vigilant watchdog, Kunisaki Yamaji, is soon there to bring him back. As rehearsals for the school carnival continue, someone seems to be out to sabotage the play and Satsuki. Can Yamaji protect his precious Satsuki? Does Satsuki really need protecting? Ch 4) A one-shot that follows lovers Ginka and Kakei-senpai. Ginka and Kakei-senpai are both looking forward to their planned overnight trip during Golden Week, but Kakei-senpai doesn't show up. No phone call, no message...Kakei-senpai is gone. What happened? What is Ginka supposed to do? Has this little uke been abandoned? Ch 5-6) Mikami Yuusuke (from Karamete de Kudoite and Aisareru Hito e Tsugu) seems to be quite the gentleman, using his wealth and power to take care of many unfortunate men and women. Ichihashi Rui, a student in Mikami's school of design, is one of those unfortunates. Now someone seems to be after Mikami, setting fire to his buildings and leaving 'gifts' in Rui's mailbox. Will Mikami be able to save Rui? Or will it be Rui who saves Mikami?
Story 1: Christmas Version - Aki wants to go on a trip with Mase, but they have no money for it so they decide to get a part time job. Unfortunately, not many are ok to hire high-school kids. Aki gets a job at a bar owned by Mase's brother, that doesn't think she is worthy of being the girlfriend of his little brother. She is determined to prove him wrong and spend the best Christmas with her boyfriend. Story 2: Passion Pink Version released in Genshoku Tsundere Danshi Semekare by Chibi Manga. Story 3: Koibana Confession
The new series by the author of Psyren: A serial killer is on the loose and authorities are baffled! What they do not know is that this case requires non-traditional research methods. That's where Mako Miyoshi the detective and Kyosuke Kagami the Shikigami user enter the picture. Together they investigate supernatural crimes!
Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser summary: Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rebirth: Ghost Exorciser. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Terminal State summary: The Terminal State summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Terminal State. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Moral Economy summary: The Moral Economy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Moral Economy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
If Only etc. summary: If Only etc. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of If Only etc.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.