内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:神豪:开局返利一亿倍!】楚洋在海都准备回老家,去便利店买东西的时候开启了消费返现系统!不管他买什么东西,都能随机返利!开局一包十块白沙烟,直接返利一亿倍,获得 十亿元!一辆兰博基八百万元,随机返利十倍,获得八千万元!一瓶九一年的罗曼康帝,一百万元,返利一百倍,获得一亿元!南苑壹号院独栋别墅!什么?十个亿?我买不起?!买了,全都买了!随机返现二十倍!返现获得两百亿元!消费随机抽取返利,从此买买买!!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72175 >>
内容简介:接档文《晚安可爱多》已日更。求作者收藏微博桔一元*诚川高中转来了江市大佬,刚转来没几天,陆嘉丞就以绝对手腕,稳坐诚川一哥大佬的位置。都说陆嘉丞这人性格乖张,为人张扬,大家敬而远之。但是 转学的第一天,就有目击证人称,孙清禾在食堂浇了陆嘉丞一身的饭菜,结果陆嘉丞没什么反应,还笑着问人,“是不是对我有什么意见?”更劲爆的是,陆嘉丞被教导主任叫到广播室念检讨书,他一句检讨没说,反而和孙清禾告白起来了!全校哗然,大家都知道了,孙清禾被大佬盯上了。陆嘉丞听信兄弟们的馊主意,借了不少言情小说和少女漫来“学习”,差点被人怀疑脑子坏掉,结果还是没追到人索性直接按照他简单粗暴的方式。孙清禾老子喜欢你。你只能喜欢我一个人!喜欢老子一下有这么难么……你就当可怜可怜我,喜欢我一下吧?陆嘉丞打听到自己众多情敌后,放学一个一个地把人请到了学校西北角,进行了深刻、地情敌会晤。第二天孙清禾知道后,有些无奈,“陆嘉丞,你不要打人了。”陆嘉丞倚着墙邪笑,顶了顶腮,“可以啊,你和我在一起,我就乖乖的。”孙清禾,对于你,我从不草率。美强惨校霸大魔王x温柔乖顺学霸小仙女【微博桔一元】【封面特别感谢起司太太】1w0-28526 >>
内容简介:——★全文完★——同类文《樱桃雪顶》求收,文案在最下方江肆十一岁时,精致、阴郁、自卑,厌世。父母是淮序出了名的杂碎,从城北搬家到城南的路上,人人都想踩他一脚。有人笃定说“他是受人唾弃的 命,烂根里长不出好苗。”“指不定将来怎么作恶。”同院有个娇气包,生得白净软香,瓷娃娃似的,磕一下就起好红的印。笑起来像画上的年娃娃,水剪的眸子蕴含星河灿烂。与江肆不同,施月是所有人捧在掌心里的宝。寒冬腊月,他被赶出家门。旁人都在看他笑话,只有施月,怯生生地上前,伸着肉嘟嘟的胳膊向他讨抱。江肆沉着脸,冰冷的眼神死死盯着,恐吓“走远点,别在这里碍我的眼。”—九年后,江肆果真长成了别人眼里彻头彻尾的烂人。他阴冷黑暗,以恶制恶,乖戾嚣张。他信奉暴力能压制一切不服。淮序再没人敢说他一句坏话。风生水起时,心底深藏的月亮忽然重新降临他身边,比记忆中更勾人夺魄。十八岁的施月墨发乌瞳,玫瑰含雪。粉裙下身材玲珑有致,该突有突,该细有细,身上的每一丝肉都长得极有分寸,臀形是曼妙的蜜桃形状,双腿白皙细直。长相纯得要命,身材却让人欲念横生,先天优势让她轻易成了公认校花。江肆与她重逢的第一眼就生出了个荒唐念头。他想娇养月亮,沾染月亮,亵渎月亮,把她藏起来,天天抱她亲她,再不让别人多看一眼。—施月出事当天,江肆是第一个冲进栖霞山的人。找到她的那刻,压抑十年的欲望一朝倾泄,他失控地勾着她的腰,压着她步步后退,直至抵住门板。门外风雪呼啸。他几近疯狂地靠近她,两只手腕反剪,细吻抽丝落下,雨打海棠那般不容抗拒。施月眼神晕乎乎湿漉漉,模样娇俏可人。唇齿微张,双眸紧阖,被迫承受。强烈的欢愉激得她溃不成军,大脑一度酥麻得像触电。江肆抬眸,眼前的人是妖精。—施月出现之前,没人知道江哥原来这么深情。无人的夜晚,夜夜抱着她的照片,亲吻上百遍,眼神化作绕指柔。嘴里念叨着月月,红着眼想她。她是天上高不可攀的月亮,月光落在他身上,凝成清冷的霜。而江肆甘愿屈从于月亮之下。什么都应她,日日欺负她。——她是江面上最干净美好的月亮。——恶犬amp白兔你老大终究是你老大【小剧场1】江肆带施月走鬼屋,施月怕的不行,一个劲儿往江肆身上跳。他只好把她抱起。出去过后,施月问他“四哥哥,你怕不怕?”江肆面不改色“怕。”施月纳闷“那你怎么不腿软?”“……”他闷声搂紧施月大腿,往上提了提。这种情况还软,那他该去看医生了。【小剧场2】李淼淼对施月提问——“请问爱情、金钱和快乐,你最想要什么?”施月睁着无辜的双眸“不能都要吗?”李淼淼痛心疾首,又问“做人要讲宗旨啊,咦,你中指是什么?”这个呀。施月开心地伸出干净纤细又白嫩的十根指头,小嘴巴拉巴拉地向 >>
内容简介: (新书《云天帝》已经上传)绝世强者、一代丹帝凌寒为追求成神之路而殒落,万年后携《不灭天经》重生于同名少年,从此风云涌动,与当世无数天才争锋,重启传奇之路,万古诸天我最强!1w0-4 19 >>
内容简介:一觉醒来,七十亿人穿越废土世界。这里气候恶劣,资源匮乏,遍地都是凶残的异兽。但每个人类只有一座简陋的避难所苏明来到这里,意外获得生存系统。生存下去,就能获得奖励。【生存一百天】【奖励1 :养殖场→异兽驯化所】【奖励2:极品美女护卫】【奖励3:浮空堡垒蓝图】一年后。当其他人还在为如何填饱肚子发愁。苏明已经将避难所打造成了人类天堂。各位书友要是觉得《全球求生:开局一座避难所》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25243 >>
内容简介:灵气复苏,灾祸降临,全球修真化,世界陷入无尽混乱!上一世惨死于外族之手的陆浩,再睁眼时回到了灵气复苏的一月前。叮~签到系统启动成功~签到奖励:十万死士(已下发)签到奖励:全维度初级修行 功法(已下发)签到奖励:防御大阵(已下发)签到奖励:全员资质提升(已下发)签到奖励:…………各方豪强,财团老板齐聚!强势开舔!雇佣兵首领,顶级杀手,武当道长,高级保镖,退役兵王,宗师级医生,顶级养殖员…更有可甜可咸,呆萌可爱神级龙娘!…………开局即巅峰!就爱听书网强势垄断修行资源,大肆收拢修行人才,开厂养殖灵兽……当灵气复苏降临,蓝星各方还在古籍中苦苦寻找修行的方法典籍时……陆浩已经造好了天宫,准备横推万族了!各位书友要是觉得《灵气复苏:开局签到十万死士》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78024 >>
From Dragon Quest Shrine Warriors of Eden follows the story of Dragon Quest VII with a few new touches. Arus along with Keifer and Maribell discover an ancient temple on Estard Island. In the temple they discover tablets that allows them to travel to continents that were sealed away in the past and are revived in the future. Warriors of Eden now adds an elemental warrior with each elemental spirit, starting off with Arus as the Warrior of Water. Fujiwara also ties Warriors of Eden with the Roto series with a character named Bezul. He's the reincarnation of Emblem of Roto's Quadal, a sage who fought with Roto during the final battle with Zoma. His apprentice, Guren, is the Warrior of Fire. And, on top of all that, Arus' lizard is named Gregory and now speaks. From Baka-Updates: On Hiatus
[Summary by: Love_blossom] It's been told that if a couple sees the blue train at exactly 6 am together, then they'll be together forever! If they see the blue train at exactly 10 pm, then they'll break up! Haruru is finally going out with the guy she likes, Nagi. She hopes to see the blue train at 6 pm with him. But what if she sees it with someone else....? From Nagareboshi Manga: There's a jinx at Haruru's school - if a couple sees the blue train at 6 am together, they'll be together forever! But if a couple sees the blue train at 10 pm together, they'll break up! Haruru is going out with Nagi, a boy who goes to another school, and their love is just starting to blossom. But what happens when Haruru happens to see the 6 am blue train with someone else?!
Qin Luoyi was set up by her sister and has a one-night stand with a man at bar! She was banished from the family and to make up for her reputation, she was advised to marry the man she slept with. Luckily, Qin Luoyi bumped into that man at bar again. Thinking he worked here as a manservant, Qin Luoyi asked bluntly whether he wanted to start a contract marriage with her. And the man be like 'Fine, I am a successful CEO so I will definitely be an excellent manservant.'mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
“Even though he’s this close, I can’t reach him at all.” A popular male model, Nashiro’s parents died and he was passed around from relative to relative until he arrived on the doorsteps of Mitsuki’s home. Entranced by his smile, Mitsuki has always been in love with him. However, he’s well-known for dating beautiful women, and she doesn’t feel up to par with these girls. Will she ever be able to make him look at her? - Akaboshi Mitsuki is a normal high school girl who wakes up, goes to school, the usual, except she lives with the guy she loves, Kurosawa Nashiro, who is a popular model. Kurosawa Nashiro has lived with the Akaboshi for two years now because of his parents death. Since they live together Mitsuki decides to give Nashiro a bowl of strawberries every day. Kurosawa Nashiro is nice and popular but when Mitsuki confesses to Kurosawa Nashiro her look on him might change!!!!!!
The Story of Russia summary: The Story of Russia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of Russia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Guy Mannering Or the Astrologer summary: Guy Mannering Or the Astrologer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Guy Mannering Or the Astrologer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Cap'n Abe, Storekeeper summary: Cap'n Abe, Storekeeper summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cap'n Abe, Storekeeper. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Once There Was A War summary: Once There Was A War summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Once There Was A War. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.