
































内容简介:丹炉爆炸,陷入昏迷的秦朗再睁开眼的时候,发现自己竟成了一名智商低下,绰号秦大傻的高三学生,更要命的是还被一个精神病患者劫持着。面对仅剩几个月的寿命,他该如何自救?面对各种欺凌,他还能像 傻子一样继续任由摆布吗?面对风格迥异的美女,上辈子没开过荤的他能做到老僧不动春心吗?且看一个傻子的逆袭。1w0-65152 >>


内容简介:我的死敌成了上将星际笔趣阁,我的死敌成了上将星际sodu,我的死敌成了上将星际小说,我的死敌成了上将星际顶点,我的死敌成了上将星际探汤,【重新梳理大纲……稍晚更新】四年前因为孟泠的证词 陷入流放的死敌回来了,身居高位,压他一头全星系都知道孟泠的证词是伪证,都在积极给段上将提供报复孟泠的证据孟泠胆战心惊,终于等到了再次见到段杓的那一天。四年不见,眼前的熟人陌生到让人害怕段杓眼神阴沉,让人毛骨悚然的笑,“其实,孟泠,我当年最后好像有点喜欢你了,还准备好好追你来着。”孟泠猛地抬头,不敢置信的同时眼里闪动起几乎从未在他眼里出现过的惊喜的光然后,段杓的那一丝笑消失得无影无踪,“不过现在我发现,你配不上让人追,床上玩一玩也就够了。”狠话天天放执行就手软攻vs底线很低道德观残缺十分缺爱受【高亮必看:不是互宠,前期会有点虐。攻受真的是仇人,攻是回来报仇的。受性格不择手段。】1w0-96051 >>


内容简介:【推荐预收文章《黑月光重生后竟然洗清革面》↑】【第一世界很多人反应剧情很乱,描写也有问题,大家先别看,我会在后面不定期地修改留】谢知年是个渣攻扮演者。当他完成任务准备封神的时候,却突然 绑定了洗白系统,系统028奉旨下达命令:“为了平复目标人物的崩坏,请你重回原世界,进行洗白任务,降低他们的黑化值。”第(1)世界:他是挖取丹心的师尊,手底下养着个听话的乖徒,在刷取黑化值后,变成杀人不眨眼的魔头,兴师动众带着邪门歪道的徒弟回来复仇。某‘乖徒’裂开嘴角,他废掉对方的修为:“师尊的长生死了,他死在最爱的时候,现在活下来的只有本尊崇明,对你恨之入骨的魔修。”↓第(2)个世界:他是背叛大佬黑红的明星,大佬禁欲又寡淡,关键是三年都将他捧在手心,给他比别人更好的资源,黑化后变得生人勿近,对娱乐圈的水看透。某‘大佬’眯着眼缝,用骨骼分明的手指敲击着桌面:“听说他毁了容,我也不会心疼他点,他混不下去想自暴自弃,我有什么资格去管他,像他这种哗众取宠的人,娱乐圈不多了。”↓第(3)世界,他是定位重生的恶术风水师,对象是重生回来的天才,对他既爱又恨,本以为没有重生而再次爱上对方,结果发现一切都是一场骗局。某风水师嘲讽地笑着,提着把夺命刀:“我被同一个人骗了两次,他彻头彻尾把我当成傻瓜,如今用装可怜这一套,我不会再相信他了,我会让他死在我的手下,做成恶鬼跟在我的身边。”↑论最后的真香定律:是后悔莫及!本文又名《每个想虐心的人都反被虐了》①比惨,没人比谢知年更惨。②比手段,没人比谢知年更高明。③比血液,没人比谢知年更充足。只见谢知年苍白的面容上带着悲伤,他捂着胸口处的血液,垂眼看着每黑化的男主们,眼里没有半点的清明,奄奄一息地说道:“我要死了,你们别哭。”内心却是:我痛苦,我装的。谢知年:cue下洗白工作做得好,黑化男主瞬间为我倾倒。位面一:嫉妒徒弟的仙界师尊位面二:风水界贪生怕死恶术攻位面三:渣了大佬跑路后的明星后续还有世界。阅读需知:①暂时定下位面,更新顺序不定。②此文一旦发出,绝对有保障。③攻是任务者,但最后会1V1,和所有黑化男主集成的真实受在一起,他们两个会成为新一代的主神。1w0-81294 >>


内容简介:秦小果在末世当厨娘当的好好的,结果谁能想到一朝穿越到吃不饱饭的饥荒年代。睁眼看着衣不蔽体的自己,黑糊糊的手还有看不清楚的脸,没等弄清就被一股大力扑倒,紧接着呜哇一声,娘!好吧,秦小果承 认,从3042年末世穿到了邵和42年,整跨三千年的时空,看着一贫如洗勉强称为的家,还有抱着腿痛哭流涕喊着饿饿的便宜瘦小黑儿子,干!好在还有一点安慰的就是自己在末世的身家全跟着自己一起来了,还变成了空间戒指。儿子,为娘不会饿着你的!干巴得!几年过后,看着白胖白胖的儿子,小果很是欣慰,可是找上门的这个男人是肿么回事!?男子可怜巴巴的看着自家不让进门的娘子:娘子~小果????1w0-80100 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者青草糕的经典小说:《帝台艳宦》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说☆日双更☆世人皆知,东厂督主戚卓容,挟天子以令诸侯,阴狠悍戾,猖狂无度,乃是本 朝一大奸佞。一夕事发,一纸檄文昭告天下,堂堂督主竟是女扮男装,满朝哗然。是夜,大雨滂沱,昔日只手遮天的东厂督主一身白衣跪于大殿中央,鬓发散乱,艳色惊人。帝座之上的青年眉眼冷肃,杀意凛冽。众人都以为他绝不会放过这架空了帝权的狂悖小人,却见他从御阶之上一步步走下,解开随身的大氅,俯身为那脊骨笔直的女子系上。年轻的天子眼风冷冷1w0-75627 >>



Princess Hanaka

From Esthétique: Hanaka has never stayed at any particular place for too long because of her grandma's crystal ball. After hearing the news that they'll be packing their bags again, she cried herself to sleep. During the night, she heard a sweet harmony and dreamed of sleeping in a flower bed. The next day, as she was on her way to say goodbye to her friend, a trio appeared and identified her as 'Princess Hanaka.' They demanded the Laga Star, which she had no clue about. At the same time, a guy with silver hair and aquamarine eyes appeared confessing his love for her.

Kowairo Henge

From Intercross: Torigoe can imitate anyones 'tone of voice.' He, along with his accomplice Madara, accepted a request made by a woman. She wants them to imitate the voice that she hears every morning from the second floor of her house. A hidden secret and a faint memory awaits them. What could they be?'

Present (Ikuemi Ryou)

1) Present This follows the main character through three periods of her life -- ages 13, 18, and 21. Aki leads a normal life. She has friends, a family who cares about her, and a talent for writing. There's nothing seemingly wrong with her life, or herself for that matter. But when the the start of a new school year leads her to be in the same class as Yoshiko, a classmate a year older than her who still carried with her noticeable scars from the horrific burns she suffered from a fire, she begins to discover the best and worst in herself. 2) The Whereabouts of the Prince For Haruka, Ami was a love at first sight. Everyone around him questions his tastes, calling her a plain Jane, but to him, it's as if she has a halo over her head. When he gets a friend to ask what her idea of the perfect guy is, she replies 'someone prince-like.' He takes this literally, and this sets him off on a journey to become the 'Prince' of her dreams. 3) There's Something I Want to Ask You Sae receives a phone call from Ayumu, a former classmate of hers. She finds it odd, because it had been years since they had seen each other, and back when they went to the same high school, she had never even spoken to her. When they bump into each other at their high school reunion, she finds that Ayumu has changed completely from her former high school self---with the help of some plastic surgery. With this chance meeting, they become fast friends, but there's something strange about Ayumu that she just can't put her finger on...

Sexy Commando Gaiden: Sugoiyo! Masaru-San

The story revolves around Wakame High School's extracurricular club, 'Sexy Commando Club,' which consists of 5-6 male members (one being the high school principal himself), a female manager, and a small mysterious pet (that may be extraterrestrial in origin). The strange and ancient art of Sexy Commando (the roots of which extend back into Japan's Muromachi period) is a martial one; however, instead of focusing on how to defeat an opponent with punches, kicks, or grappling, it focuses on how to distract the opponent. The logic follows that any distracted opponent is unable to fight, and therefore the art of Sexy Commando trumps any other form of martial arts. There are as many techniques as there are ways to distract, though Wakame High School's Sexy Command Club tends to employ the unzipping of the trousers (Elize no Yuutsu).

Manners & Cvftoms of ye Englyfhe

Manners & Cvftoms of ye Englyfhe summary: Manners & Cvftoms of ye Englyfhe summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Manners & Cvftoms of ye Englyfhe. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heart Is a Lonely Hunter

Heart Is a Lonely Hunter summary: Heart Is a Lonely Hunter summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Heart Is a Lonely Hunter. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Sin of Monsieur Pettipon

The Sin of Monsieur Pettipon summary: The Sin of Monsieur Pettipon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Sin of Monsieur Pettipon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Condemning The Heavens

Condemning The Heavens summary: In the continent of Chang’an humans had lived as livestock and slaves to the Primordial Beasts. These beasts were ferocious, bloodthirsty and overwhelmingly powerful, but even so, the humans managed to prevail in the face of despair. As the human race grew stronger the Primordial Beasts fought back with relentless fierceness, rousing beast hordes to engage in frenzied battles over the land. Every single child on the continent was taught martial arts for the sake of fighting these Primordial Beasts, yet many of them were sent straight to their death. In this world filled with constant battle, a young boy was born. This young boy was hoping to become the most outstanding cultivator, but who would have thought that his talent was so poor that he could not even cultivate? As the boy was filled with despair over his unfortunate situation, a life changing event occurred which would forever leave a scar in his mind, pushing him to transcend his limits and grow to become a legend.

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