黑鹰中队是 DC Comics 于 2011 年 9 月推出的月度系列。该系列与 DC 长期运行的黑鹰角色的前身没有直接关系。这部漫画的背景是现代,没有出现或提及以前的黑鹰,尽管有一个新的“黑鹰夫人”。这本漫画分享了在 闪点中设置的重启 DC 宇宙连续性的设置,并且是 DC 新 52 计划的一部分。
内容简介:21世纪女孩,转生到异世界。虽然一出生就是孤儿,但是天赋异禀,上天眷顾,小小年纪就能到高级学府就学。奈何黑暗势力太邪恶,女孩人小势微,不得不被迫“死亡”。大难不死的她,只想平静地度过余 生,可是,世间的恩怨情仇怎是你想撇清就能撇得清的。重新回归的她,改头换面,重新开始,然而,命运依旧不饶人……1w0-98463 >>
内容简介: 后来,所有人都羡慕秦绾——她不仅成了真千金,还是叶城最矜贵的男人慕少程心尖尖上的人。 ** 新婚次日,他奔向摔断腿的白月光。 她浅笑挑衅,“慕先生的意思是,以后我们都各玩各的 吗?” 他顿住脚步,回眸冷笑地看着她,“慕太太,你做什么梦?” “当然是美梦…………” ** 她本以为,他们的婚姻是一场各取所需的交易。 却不知,那是他的精心筹谋,步步为营。 直到后来,她在产房疼得死去活来,把他的大手咬得出血,他抱着她声音哽咽,“绾绾,对不起,都怪我让你怀孕。” ** 宝宝篇: 不能让爸爸陪洗澡的小公举委屈又可怜: “粑粑陪哥哥洗澡,不陪我,这不公平。” “因为哥哥是男生,你是女生。” “那妈妈也是女生,粑粑为什么可以陪妈妈洗澡?” “……”1w0-3522 >>
内容简介:文文从29章入V,日更6000,防盗比例70,谢谢亲们的支持。作为一本修真爽文的主角,为什么萧冕如此清纯另类不做作?一言不合杀人爆尸,不看对错,只看心情。但主角的心情就跟大姨妈一样,每 个月总有那么一次不爽,一次三十天……说好的天道宠儿,为何要毁灭世界?天道觉得好受伤,儿子养大了不听话了只想R天C地怎么办?在线等,挺急的!系统:【拯救世界(神经病)的时候到了!】呵呵,温雅只有一句话想说!我敲里lailai!萧冕:【师父骂脏话了呢!可爱,想日!】废材炮灰师父带着拥有主角气运的天才徒弟一路摸爬滚打(?)求仙问道的故事。系统:【明明只是在谈恋爱啊魂淡!】,HE。女主前期弱,会慢慢成长。2男主前期是一个半大的团子,很快会长大。3日更,跪求收藏,么么哒!三观不合,萌点不同的请点叉,不接受人生攻击。预收文求收藏请点击作者专栏收藏此作者包养并查看详情文名:《大魔王的小酒窝》方锦在临死前发现了一个大秘密!传说中冷漠无情,杀人如麻,从没有过任何表情的面瘫魔尊!他居然有一对小酒窝!!HE甜甜甜2一笑就崩人设的万年面瘫魔尊(划掉)VS超级酒窝控迷妹魔怂怂1w0-86080 >>
内容简介:平城媒体盛传,那位玩世不恭的梁家大少爷和骄纵任性的明家大小姐订婚了!有图有真相。照片里,梁家大少西装笔挺,神情轻佻散漫,明家小姐挽着他的手臂,乌发红唇,温顺妩媚。看着便是一对情投意合的 璧人。对此,两人的狐朋狗友一笑置之:就他俩这从小吵到大的关系,嫌弃之情都快溢出屏幕了,结婚了也是各玩各的嘛。直到不久后,狐朋狗友突袭梁现公寓。梁现随意地披着件睡衣站在门内,嘴里斜斜咬着支烟,一脸的不耐与冷淡。狐朋狗友们还不及开口,就看到男人身后伸过来一双白皙细嫩的手,环住了他的腰。那位骄纵大小姐闭着眼,贴着他的手臂蹭了蹭,娇柔的声线里睡意朦胧:“谁呀。”梁现抬手摸了摸她的头发,声线漫不经心又温柔:“敲错门了,你继续睡。”狐朋狗友:“???”玩世不恭大少爷x肤白貌美小孔雀1w0-4026 >>
内容简介:穿越大秦,成为秦始皇的儿子,意外觉醒国运系统,国运越强自己获得的奖励越丰富。叮!宿主献上骑兵三件套,大秦国运提升获得奖励神兽军团叮!宿主诛杀赵高,大秦国运提升获得奖励杂交水稻和高产小麦 叮!宿主集齐秦时明月百大美人,大秦国运提升获得奖励双修内经当秦始皇东巡回来后,看着大殿里的文武百官在看了看插遍全球的黑水龙旗,他一代千古一帝蚌埠住了啊!1w0-89962 >>
From WinningDays Touma Outa wakes up from a bad dream one morning and when he sees his reflection, there are horns growing out of his head. Suddenly, he is pounded in the head by a cute, hammer-carrying knight from the demon world. The horns shrink, but he is not off the hook yet, for the little knight, Pukateriosu, is there to prevent him from transforming completely into the Demon King whose soul has entered Outa's body. The PukaPuka hammer can return him to normal but it takes time to charge. In the meanwhile, Outa must try not to think worldly thoughts or be kissed, but it's easier said than done with his crush Shirayuki Himeka, the little demon Garbelion, and even Pukateriosu around... Fantasy Fighter From WinningDays Touma Outa wakes up from a bad dream one morning and when he sees his reflection, there are horns growing out of his head. Suddenly, he is pounded in the head by a cute, hammer-carrying knight from the demon world. The horns shrink, but he is not off the hook yet, for the little knight, Pukateriosu, is there to prevent him from transforming completely into the Demon King whose soul has entered Outa's body. The PukaPuka hammer can return him to normal but it takes time to charge. In the meanwhile, Outa must try not to think worldly thoughts or be kissed, but it's easier said than done with his crush Shirayuki Himeka, the little demon Garbelion, and even Pukateriosu around...
This is a story by the author of Kero Kero Chime, and you can tell. The characters look similar, though the plot seems different. Rupika lives on a far off planet called Rakariina and has a growth on her head that looks like a tiara(called the Twinkle Tiara). Her grandfather tells her that her destiny begins when she meets a man with the Twinkle Crown. Every so often on this planet, a lot of meteors fall and a lot of new aliens land on the planet. Rupika goes out to see this and maybe find 'her prince'(the Twinkle Crown) and is captured by a boy named Alpha, who then mentions something about someone named Rozeus. Rupika wants to see Rozeus and leaves Alphas's spaceship, which is actually a big turtle. The new aliens seem to know something about her tiara and start harassing her, and though Alpha tries to control them he gets knocked out. Rupika's situation turns desperate but suddenly a man with the Twinkle Crown appears.
Hayate and Choko are twins who are as different as night and day. Choko acts like a shallow princess whose main concerns are her looks and cute things, while Hayate is the cool but overprotective brother with a penchant for sabotaging potential relationships for Choko. Naturally, Hayate plans to act accordingly when Chouko confesses to the school's prince, Tsukiyono (albeit, mainly for his looks). After an argument over Choko's love life, Hayate and Choko end up tumbling down some stairs together, and bizarrely find they've switched bodies. Even worse, and much to Choko's horror, Tsukiyono starts to fall for Hayate who is now in Choko's body.
Soyoung Lee's beautiful paintings featuring another feature film! S try the juveniles met the brother to open the office in the Sunflower Garden and intimacy with the instrument due to the friends of a family hobby ballet Honk (?) Are abandoned juveniles and Sunflower Garden High School ... to persuade ...
The Witch Weekly summary: The Witch Weekly summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Witch Weekly. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Alex's Adventures In Numberland summary: Alex's Adventures In Numberland summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Alex's Adventures In Numberland. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Neighbors Of Lancaster County: Amish Weddings summary: Neighbors Of Lancaster County: Amish Weddings summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Neighbors Of Lancaster County: Amish Weddings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Stories of a Western Town summary: Stories of a Western Town summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stories of a Western Town. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.