同人志「猫与仆」一般杂志化!!!成为猫耳冷酷大小姐的仆从,不做些色色的侍奉吗? 男子高中生·真旅阳人是个从来没有与青梅竹马以外的女孩子说过话的阴暗男生。那样的他有了一个在意的对象。那个女孩子的名字是珠乃宫七穗。冷淡&不近人情的大小姐……但竟然天生就有一对猫耳!!?其真实身份是世上绝无仅有的,珍贵的天生就有猫耳的种族!!! 阳人虽然没被许可但仍然私自偷偷拍下七穗的照片,有一天竟然被
简介一句承诺,将她和一个陌生的男人捆绑在一起,她的生活从此天翻地覆。“做好你的傀儡太太,管住你的心。” 撒旦的爱情不是什幺女人都受得起,一次次身与心的折磨后,她心灰意冷,他却霸道地圈住她的腰身,“夺了我的心还想跑?”【第一季完结】
内容简介:夫子问:“为何读书?”湛非鱼脑海里浮现出自家那蹲坑旱厕,挺直了小身板,奶声奶气的回答:“明事理、辩是非。”若干年后,摄政王看着自家三元及第的小媳妇,“为何读书?”湛非鱼抬头,一脸的无辜 又真诚,“我说为了檀香木做的恭桶,你相信吗?”穿越后,湛非鱼最感谢两个人:一是改变了科举制度的穿越前辈;一是将仅有的温情和柔软都给了1w0-26578 >>
内容简介: 带着号称“游戏所有BOSS终极追求”的超级BOSS装备重生在一个怪物身上,莫海发现他能变成游戏里任意BOSS。 无尽之地、白骨之海、量子空间、天空之城、时空幻境、远古遗迹、地外世 界……过去那些被游戏无敌BOSS统治的传说之地,如今将成为他的后花园。 —————— PS1:本书游戏背景特殊,几乎没有现实描写,主角在游戏里不下线,书不结束不回现实。 PS2:本书传统虚拟网游,非穿越游戏异界,地图开荒剧情冒险流,极少副本描写。1w0-4377 >>
内容简介:医妃天下李澜歌百里辰瑾简介:他,天之骄子,生来傲骨,运筹帷幄,一国太子。她,现代医学传人,却不幸惨死,魂穿古代。他与她,起初是一场利益,却陷入其中,爱意纵生,终成眷属。1w0-7446 0 >>
内容简介:捡来的小乞丐不要扔简介:秦唐在瓢泼大雨夜捡了个男孩儿,给他吃,给他住,慢慢就成了自己身后黏人的小尾巴。秦唐出门时,小孩儿扒在门口眼巴巴的望着:“你去哪儿?”“去多久?”“回来还会爱我吗 ?”秦唐把人疼成了宝贝,可他没想到这宝贝说不见就不见了,他找不到人,差点疯了。——再重逢时,那人成了年轻有为的永盛二老板,穿西装打领带,冷漠斯文,跟他面对面的擦肩而过。秦唐眸色渐沉,在电梯里将人堵住。褚眠面无表情:“秦总,自重。”秦唐:“当初是谁在我怀中哭着喊着叫哥哥的?需要我帮你回想一下吗?”1w0-78248 >>
内容简介:公元219年11月,东吴大将吕蒙白衣渡江,袭取荆州。此刻,关羽正在樊城与曹军大将徐晃交战。而主角却赶巧不巧地穿越到关羽庶子关索的身上。“连系统都没有当真就不能让我早几天穿越吗?”刀法九 流,性格顽劣,胸无大志,不喜军旅,长得和女人一般俊,张飞表示二哥你这儿子确定不是被调包了?就是这么一个纨绔子弟,决定在三国乱世逆转乾坤,名扬天下算了,还是先想想怎么救关羽吧。PS:本文以《三国志》为主,《三国演义》为辅,并穿插一些野史人物。现已将关索设定为关羽第二子。各位书友要是觉得《三国之白马关郎》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27905 >>
内容简介:抢妾抢妾小说阅读其它类型小说抢妾由作家情系若痴创作v后6000或10000随机掉落,每晚十点准时更新!文案已微博截图,抄袭可耻,不接受任何质疑,谢谢!【ps:被锁章节内容在上一章,不影 响阅读!】温柔可人良家妾vs疯批渣渣二世祖【文案一】叶蓉家道败落,被卖给了顾家老爷为妾冲喜,顾家老爷年迈体弱多病,连接亲都是顾六郎骑马来迎。好不容易熬死了老爷子,阿蓉想着自己冲喜的任务也完成了,是时候该跑路了。得知此事的顾六郎翻窗入了她的屋,“乖蓉儿,你都是我顾家的人了还想去哪?”叶蓉耳根涨红,鼓起了平生最大的勇气,嗫嚅着道“你,你放肆,我可是你奶奶辈的!”顾华庭捏了捏她的脸蛋,在她耳边痞笑道“不,你是我祖宗辈的。”你是我的小祖宗顾华庭风流成性,替叔父接亲,清风吹过,露出了红盖头下一张娇媚的脸,本是一瞬而过,而他却念了一辈子。【文案二】顾老太爷身死后,顾太夫人不忍耽误了叶蓉,给她许了一门亲事。回门那天,叶蓉给太夫人奉茶,顾华庭冷眼旁观,看着她对身侧的男人笑语嫣然。等到了夜里,顾华庭轻佻地捏着她的下颌嗤笑,“为人妾室,就要学着怎么哄男人才对。不知那傻子,是不是被你哄得五迷三道。”叶蓉跪在他身前乖巧温顺,“奴婢不论嫁给谁都是六郎的人。”直到叶蓉出走那日,顾华庭寻遍整个徐州城都找不到她的踪影,彼时才知道,自己就是那个被她哄得五迷三道的傻子。【世人都知江南首富顾家六公子顾华庭为人风流浪荡,却不想在自己叔父妾室那栽了跟头,为之痴狂疯魔,最后还亲自给她献了自己一条命。】我沉沦于你,无法自拔排雷1男主前期实渣,有姬妾,后期火葬场2女主主动打掉自己的孩子3男非女c后女主嫁人,真嫁人!和洁党慎入4结局he5文章三观无关作者三观,不喜点叉预收《惑君》又名《和离后我嫁给了皇帝》【美人版】慕晚晚遇人不淑,痴恋裴侍郎多年,终于如愿以偿嫁给了他。哪知裴侍郎在她家落之后,接了他的外室进来,还领回来一个已满三岁的孩子。慕晚晚深觉自己人生就是一个笑话,为了报复渣男,她把目标放在了那个登基多年的男人身上。【皇帝版】李胤发现自己的那位臣妻好像对自己图谋不轨,在一次他微服私访之时,这女人竟当着她夫君的面在他的耳边吐气如兰,用尽妩媚。但李胤不得不承认“真香。”后来夜里美人在怀,却迟迟不愿随他入宫,李胤吻着那娇艳的唇,凶道“朕不许你日后再与他同房。”美人娇滴滴地嗔他一眼,李胤的心都化了。【小剧场】得知慕晚晚有孕那日,裴泫喜极而泣,痛定思痛,握着她的手“晚晚,日后我定好好待你。”哪知一道圣旨把慕晚晚接到了宫里,高位者居高临下睥睨着裴泫“让裴侍郎失望了,这孩子是朕的。”朕坐拥千万里河山,却甘愿为你一人俯首称臣。排 >>
The hero is Dr. Kishiwada, a brilliant but demented scientist, who creates bizarre mechas, battles the forces of evil, or just mucks about. There are many parodies of B-grade sci-fi movies and of TV. Crazy, slick, and very funny.
From The Little Corner: 2000 years before our technological world, when the first humans wandered, there was a tribe called 'The Three Eyes'. They are above all of us from intelligence and skill. Even when you name only one invention from all of their inventions, you could say it surpassed all of our works. But suddenly, in one day, the tribe disappeared, leaving no trace of evidence behind. It is now the modern time, and 'The Three Eyes' tribe is now known as a myth. Or is it really just a myth? The Three Eyed one is back...
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When Karina wakes up inside a novel, she realizes she’s been given a chance to change the tragic lives of the male lead, Roland Bleuet, and his sister, Melisa. Karina saves up as much money as she can and makes a run for it with the children. But to her dismay, the money she has saved up isn’t enough to get the three of them to the capital. Instead, they head for Torres where Karina bumps into Duke Claude Torres, a “talent fanatic” who is obsessed with collecting talented individuals and an antagonist who will negatively impact Roland’s life in the future. Will Karina be able to protect Roland and Melisa from all dangers and give her adoptive children a better future?
The New Germany summary: The New Germany summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The New Germany. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Master of the Moondog summary: Master of the Moondog summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Master of the Moondog. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce! summary: After his death, Yan Ke transmigrated and became a prince. He had yet to get himself an imperial harem and enjoy life with the (imaginary) concubines when he was married off in a marriage alliance. On the day of the wedding, he was shut out by Meng You. Half a month later after the wedding, when he had just recovered from his illness, Meng You was sent out to the battlefront. He was gone for three years. Yan Ke felt that, he was probably the most tragic, abandoned husband of the highest (epic) level. Since you are heartless, don’t blame me for being unrighteous! Therefore, the most forsaken husband reached his hand out towards the Crown Prince’s residence. — Meng You has just returned after he went out to war three years ago shortly after his marriage. For these three years, he had regularly received letters from the Crown Princess back home. His subordinates all extolled the deep love between husband and husband, but only Meng You knew that those were all attempts by the Crown Princess to ask for a peaceful separation (aka. divorce). He came back from battle only to see his Crown Prince residence turned into a mahjong house, swarming with all sorts of people – men and women, young and old. And that Crown Princess of his whom he had not seen for three years had kept himself fair and delicate, his every movement and action exceedingly coquettish and charming. And then, his Crown Princess walked towards him. Yan Ke, “Handsome, new face here? Do you want to play? It costs one tael of silver for a whole day and 25 taels of silver for a month. The boss will play with you, but the price is calculated separately. You will get more discount if you buy more~” Meng You, “……”
Night Huntress: Outtakes From The Grave summary: Night Huntress: Outtakes From The Grave summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Night Huntress: Outtakes From The Grave. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.