简介改编自网易文学作者 鄀宁宁 作品《日久生情:爱你,一错到底》 为了出人头地,相爱四年的男友,亲手将她送给了陌生人。傅斯年,31岁,华臣老总。与顾氏的千金小姐早有婚约。风波过后,她阴差阳错地变成众所周知的“傅总未婚妻”。背负着万人唾骂的小三之名。她和他的婚礼极尽豪华,可那两本大红的结婚证书,承载的不是爱情,而是利益。他冷漠疏离,心机深不可测。她骄傲倔强,坚守着灰姑娘的自尊心。可她万万没有想到,仅仅是一夜沦陷,便会跌进万劫不复的深渊!谁能告诉她,这场无爱的婚姻,为何慢慢让她泥足深陷,情难自禁,最后变成了她仅有的出路?
简介一个寒冷雪夜,年幼的黒主优姬意外遇上 LEVEL E级的吸血鬼。在这个吸血鬼向优姬露出獠牙的生死时刻,另一个名叫玖兰枢的纯血种吸血鬼救了她,并将她带到黑主学园请求园长(黑主灰阎)收留。黑主学园除了一般学生就读的日间部外,还存在着夜间部。在夜间部就读的学生都是十分俊美优秀的人物。不过这里却隐藏着不为日日间部学生所知的秘密——夜间部的学生全都是高级吸血鬼。十年后,为了维持学院安宁,优姬和同被园长收留的锥生零一起担任学园的“风纪委员”,守护这个秘密。而受人尊敬的,也是优姬非常倾慕的玖兰枢,更是被称为“吸血鬼中的君主”的纯血种,是站在吸血鬼金字塔端的最高种族。如果被纯血种吸血,就会变为LEVEL D(曾经是人的吸血鬼,在经过一段时间就会变成LEVEL E)。而锥生零作为g吸血鬼猎人,却在一次家难中不幸被同样是纯血种的绯樱闲所咬。绯樱闲杀死了零的家人,带走了他的弟弟一缕,所以零非常憎恨吸血鬼(尤其是纯血种)
内容简介:圣光历2998年3月,阿拉尔大陆艾伦瑞斯帝国首都艾伦瑞斯城北二十公里外一片稀疏树林里,一位十六七岁的少女手持一柄长剑,快速穿插在树间空隙,旋身,横挥,滑行,洒出一道金色剑气,将前方一棵 一人合抱的大树根部炸成灰烬,大树轰然倾倒。持剑少女168公分,小巧的头颅,一头笔直金色长发顺滑柔亮,细长的眉毛弯弯如月,水蓝的标准尺度双眼皮眼睛清澈明亮,可爱的鼻子细致挺翘,粉红微翘的薄薄小嘴晶莹透亮,小巧的瓜子脸流畅柔和,细嫩的颈脖白皙柔软,34D的碗形胸脯挺翘饱满,一件雪白的丝质无袖短衣堪堪遮过胸脯,裸露着可爱享受阅读享受午后阳光带来的慵懒惬意,一杯下午茶一本好书。享受生活,享受小说给您带来的美好时光从现在开始。本站全面拒绝弹窗,绿色免费喜欢小说喜欢小站希望您点击分享把心情分享给大家吧!1w53193-95837 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:我穿成了小说反派渣男】穿越反派渣男,结果被穿越的那个坑货,将属于未婚妻的生日礼物送给了别人,导致未婚妻要和自己退婚。偏偏这个未婚妻长的国色天香,人设又是自己最 喜欢的类型。于是乎,姜晨愤然拍桌而起,一手指天,一手指地,怒喝曰:“三十年河东,三十年河西,莫欺少年穷。”咳咳……不好意思,走错片场了。于是乎,某人表情渐渐变态,笑道:“一束鲜花算什么,我这里有只太后大人养了二十多年的童子鸡,今晚送你当礼物可好?”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-87380 >>
内容简介:在还不知美丑的童年时期,宿需在是遇见周簌的那一时刻启蒙审美意识的。爱捣蛋性格又恶劣的宿需被拘在家里。妈妈总教训他说,对女孩子要绅士,他不以为然。女孩子也是愿意跟着一块儿去隔壁果园里爬树 摘果的。直到章阿姨牵着周簌出现。她不一样。她就像有灵魂的,表姐收藏柜里精心维护着的人偶,虽然会说会笑会跑会闹,但依然精致美好得不真实。他想,妈妈说得对,对女孩子是要温柔一些的,特别是,周簌。1w0-122342 >>
From Entropy “In the languid hours of yesterday, I went to the tangled grasses near the river, so tangled that humans don’t often venture there, and had heaps of fun playing alone. As per usual, I had had a glass of sue-ju with grandmother in the morning, and drunk, I grabbed a towel and stumbled my way up. There won’t be any watchers, my body thought, and it slipped so easily into the water. Floating in the clear and pretty water I looked at the sky, saw the floating clouds. Hee hee … in that small space I even had a go at swimming like the pros. If you sit on the rock and rest for a bit you can see the small sand-colored fishes swimming around. Even such small creatures made shadows on the river bed and moved around. Yeah, every day I play at being a mountain wizard. Whether the axe handles decay or not … violets.” --Please read at Entropy website
Whatever Ozu Hayato was expecting when he went to his late grandfather's house for the reading of the last will and testament, it wasn't for his grandfather's old hat to fall on his head and allow him to see the ghost of a long-dead girl. Nor was it to inherit an entire office building, complete with a members-only hat shop. And who exactly is that man responsible for carrying out the terms of the will, and how does he know about the hat? And what's it all have to do with Hayato, anyway?
There are several stories in Dakishimetakunai: 1) Electricity (Denki) - A high school student despairs of ever making friends on account of his appearance scaring everyone off. However, the new transfer student with the unique and 'electrifying' physique shows up in time to prove him wrong. 2) I Don't Wanna Hold On You (Dakishimetakunai) - When middle-aged salaryman Masato is laid off, Tatsuya, a host hires him to take care of his apartment… and other, more personal services. But when Masato starts to have doubts about accepting Tatsuya's money, what will Tatsuya do to stop him from leaving? 3) Reason For Desire (Yokubou no Riyuu) - The rich and lonely young businessman gets into a scuffle with a castoff vagrant. He gets a bit more than he bargains for when he takes the man in as live-in housekeeper. 4) Secret Knife (Himitsu no Naifu) - Two solitary people walking similar paths, one an assassin for the yakuza, the other a Shinigami (a Grim Reaper), meet and find their way to mutual love and understanding. 5) Rose and Knife (Bara to Naifu) - Sequel to Secret Knife. Yato comes upon an old partner who is bent on 'reteaching' him how to be a ruthless killer once again. Kamui, however, will do anything to keep that from happening. 6) Keep Up Your Right! (Migikawa ni wo ki wo tsukero) - I Don't Wanna Hold On You omake Keep Up Your Right! omake
A strange artifact found inside a silver mine in Central America, annihilates an entire region. The two scientists who stumble into it, are unaware of what could it be or it's potential. In an age where technology seems to have stalled, an anonymous company only known as 'Hiraima' releases brilliant futuristic gadgets for free use along with their development plans, without claiming any rights. Furious, the world's leading robotics company wipes out from map the source of their future financial ruin.
Life in the Confederate Army summary: Life in the Confederate Army summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life in the Confederate Army. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Hope and Have summary: Hope and Have summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hope and Have. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life summary: Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Tenonaru Hou e summary: Long, long ago, there was a nopperabou, a lonely youkai with no friends because he didn’t have a face. Hiding his “face” with a fox mask, he waits alone for someone to love him. Two hundred years later… Tatsumi, a blind man employed at an ordinary company one day feels a faint presence at his work place. Now his one and only joy is spending his lunch times with Kusamakura, the man he met by fate when he picked up his fox mask that day. Even though he has an old fashioned way of speaking, and seems like he escaped from an ukiyo-e print, he faces Tatsumi with a straight-forward honesty, and eventually love blooms. At that moment, mysterious things start to occur around Tatsumi……!?