






简介【每周三&每周五】更新! 这位温润出尘的绝色美男,不仅治好了我的怪病,还要收我为徒?一日为师,终生为夫,小女子无以为报,唯有调戏扑倒!“师父,要抱抱~!”哎,你别跑呀! 官方QQ群:662055933,586311476


简介最新话熟肉已经上市,每月22号左右更新! o(*≧▽≦)ツ 就如同人会腐朽一样,国家总有一天也会走向毁灭,就连千年繁荣的帝都,也不过只是个腐败的人间地狱,披着人皮的魑魅魍魉,嚣张跋扈的四处横行!天若无能制裁邪恶,我等将会于黑暗之中给予消逝!我等全员,职业杀手团!






简介飞轨动漫粉丝群:473857752 ,定期发福利呀~现代职场女性穿越之后,搅得古代将军府风生水起


















内容简介:  前世他是一个知名企业的航空动力工程师,今生他是名校的大学生,当两个身份完美的融合在一起的时候,会发出什么火花。他的身世也在慢慢的揭开谜底,他能否pk过这个时代的大亨,能否站在世界商 业的顶峰。1w0-2597 >>


内容简介:公告:本文将于2月25日(周六)入V,入谢大家的支持!炮灰你想有春天吗?想!于是,莫心然就穿梭在浮生三千界中,努力为炮灰改写人生!论炮灰翻身的一百零八式,总有一款适合你,千万别错过的哦 !绝不弃坑作者君撒娇打滚!亲们,要收藏文文!收藏作者君专栏哦!!1w0-126821 >>




内容简介:作为二十一世纪的超级特工,死在蘑菇云中,一睁眼,成了农家女。爹爹失踪,和包子娘被当成扫把星赶出家门。李心艾怒了。当场分家,带着包子娘单过。为了吃饱穿暖,上山寻财路,无意发现自身的逆天外 挂!一念间,动物可大可小,一念间,百花开,百果熟。开药田,搞养殖,八大菜系名扬天下,开挂的人生无需解释。等等。这位公子,我救你,你咋还赖上我了?还要以身相许?啊呸,你想得美!各位书友要是觉得《叮!这个农女她外挂又拉满啦》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99512 >>


内容简介:  资深代练雷蒙穿越《大航海》游戏世界,本想靠熟悉剧情的优势挣挣小钱,当条富裕的咸鱼。  可他却没想到意外获得了世界头号禁忌大反派的传承,强制敌对世界政府。  放眼望去,举世皆敌。   “什么?你说海军元帅正密谋要肛我?”  “纳尼,我怎么成海贼王了?谁特么要害朕,封了咱这么一个拉仇恨的名号?”  雷蒙拧下了手中王下七武海的脑袋,一脸懵逼地看着印着自己头像的SSS级悬赏令。  怎么就...成海贼王了?  魔改海贼,非同人。  PS.新书《超凡机械城》已发布,欢迎品鉴~1w0-3670 >>


内容简介:  这个世界的格局东强西弱。华夏文化制霸全球。全世界都在学华夏话。华夏金牛奖成为全世界影响力最大的电影奖项。全世界的歌手都以登上华夏音乐的排名榜单为毕生目标。最时尚的时装周、最浓郁的体 育文化、最美的风景、最好吃的食物……都在这里了。……上辈子在一条不归路跑到死的关琛,到了这里,打算给自己好好放个长假。————欢迎大家进群交流:5794837581w0-1937 >>

The Loyal Dog's Distress

Litong wishes to get into a relationship with his neighbour, Yijie, but Yijie treats Litong like a servant! He doesn't know what to do, and is in distress. What'll happen next?

Nervous Venus

It all starts with Haru, a cute genki girl with short hair who is in love with her best friend Aki.But the day before he was to confess his love for Haru, he gets killed in a car accident with 4 other guys. His body was never found. It's a very hard shock for Haru, but then, the first day of course she meets this cool guy and things start to tremble a little. ナーバスヴィーナス

Otona No Jikan

From Lovers Dream: Alone and dumped outside of a love hotel, Mitsuka finds herself caught by the last person she wants to see--her school counselor and teacher, Kaga-sensei! Instead of turning her in, Kaga-sensei wants an interview. It turns out he's an erotic novelist, and he's looking for just the right dose of high school girl reality for his latest work. Kaga makes it clear their relationship is strictly business, but can Mitsuka keep it that way when she's falling for her teacher?

Musubiya Nanako

Volume 2 of the YuuTopia Collection, contains four stories: the title story, 'Perfect Lovers', 'Memoir Girl' and 'Hang in There Nakago (Part 2)'. This last story is the continuation from the last story from Minto de Kiss me. 1. Musubiya Nanako: Nanako has her mother's ability to see the red strings that bind to people together in love. At her parents match making shrine, Nanako is forced to bring couples together by binding their strings. But who is she to be binded to? 2. Perfect Lovers: Mitsuharu and Kana get into a car accident just after breaking up. They wake up just to find themselves in a dimension where homosexuality is normal and heterosexual relationships are illegal. 3. Memoir Girl: Katakura Hitomi does not like her new step-mother taking up all the attention of her father. In an abandoned school building she meets a high school boy who becomes her confidant. 4. Hang in There Nakago (Part II) - Continues the tale from Mint de Kiss Me.

Victorian Literature

Victorian Literature summary: Victorian Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Victorian Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions

The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions summary: The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Reincarnated as a Villager ~ Strongest Slow-life

Reincarnated as a Villager ~ Strongest Slow-life summary: G.o.d messed up. I reincarnated. Born in a countryside village, I’m surrounded by beautiful imoutos and a childhood friend who’s a girl. No electricity and no water, this’ll be the ultimate slow life!
Helping with farm work and animals, and yet my house turned into a huge shop where female adventurers happen to come around! Today is also very busy for me.
This is the story of my slow life.

Tales from Spenser; Chosen from the Faerie Queene

Tales from Spenser; Chosen from the Faerie Queene summary: Tales from Spenser; Chosen from the Faerie Queene summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tales from Spenser; Chosen from the Faerie Queene. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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