简介在拥有超越人类,超自然能力的贵族中,依然属于特别存在的莱,从漫长的睡梦中醒来之后,在自己曾经的侍从佛兰肯斯坦的帮助下,开始了平凡的校园生活。但是,学校里认识的朋友们却因为不明身份的存在而受到威胁,为了守护住人类,莱愤然决定与那些不明的恶势力开始战斗。 吸血鬼中的王者,暗黑系动漫迷强推!《大贵族》同名动画每周三晚上11点 LINE TV华丽更新。
内容简介:重生斗破世界,手掌造化玉碟,奈何本源不足,当了九年废物,杀个穿越者补补,远离萧家是非之地。“小医仙不要怕,别人馋你身子,我不馋,我馋你的厄难毒体。”“美杜莎你跑什么,你的七彩吞天蟒血脉 让我抽半管,就半管。”“青鳞你的碧眼三花瞳真漂亮”“纳兰嫣然我们不要联系了,我怕云韵误会。”为了获取更多本源,萧曈无所不用其极。不但祸害斗破,还要祸害诸天万界。1w0-64183 >>
内容简介:每天都想离婚的清冷学神受X优秀男德毕业生沙雕校霸恶犬攻路谦与蒋少泽结婚十年,爱人成熟稳重,把他当儿子似的养闭眼前,蒋少泽抱着他,胸膛暖着他脚,大掌包着他的手,嗓音颤抖着在他耳边念叨,此 生最遗憾的事就是没有遇到小时候的路谦,放在手心里宠大各位书友要是觉得《学神每天都在想离婚》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-99032 >>
内容简介:【日更,沙雕团宠苏爽甜】柏生穿进了一本O点爽文,成为了一个被龙傲天男主退婚的炮灰小明星。小少爷毕生没受过这种侮辱,退婚之后作天作地,各种针对男主,最后落得个身败名裂,沦落街头的下场。对 此,柏生十分困惑不解。为一个男人,把自己搞成这个样子,像什么话!于是在退婚现场,面对一脸坚毅的龙傲天,他说出那句经典台词:“三十年河东,三十年河西……”然后面无表情地一挥手:“别三十年了,管家,现在就抽他丫的。”众人:“???”这是什么操作?!退婚不成,反被打脸,龙傲天并不在意,反正柏生现在正全网黑,根本在圈里混不下去,总有要求他的一天。怎料到:网友:“关系户,带资进组,导演都觉得晦气!”星光大赏上,柏生一屁股坐在导演旁边,轻松写意:“吃啥呢?给我掰点。”网友:“这演技,狗都不如,连跑龙套不值50!”金猪奖:“恭喜柏生入围最佳男配角新人奖,让我们掌声鼓励!”网友:“性格差,树敌无数,上个综艺就想洗白!”原先跟柏生撕到腥风血雨的小爱豆:“你懂个屁!他很好。”柏生以一己之力让身边的人逐渐沙雕化,真正的喜剧人,向来只在不动声色间。闻萧人傻了:“………”这又他妈是什么操作??眼看着柏生靠沙雕一路爆红,闻萧气得求助自己亿万家产的霸总大哥。闻鹤语气凉薄,很不耐烦:“这么点事都做不好?记住,这是我最后一次帮你。”一个月后。龙傲天:“大哥,进度如何?”闻鹤不屑:“不过是个戏子。”半年后。龙傲天:“大哥,怎么样了?”闻鹤冷脸:“催什么,有消息会告诉你。”一年后。眼看着柏生的事业坐了火箭般节节飙升,闻鹤却依旧杳无音讯,闻萧终于坐不住了。龙傲天:“大哥,你去哪了,我怎么联系不上你。”闻鹤:“在跟组,别烦。”龙傲天目瞪口呆,还以为难道大哥开始走平民路线,谁知电话那头传来一个熟悉的声音。“闻萧,能不能来把你哥弄回家?他好烦。”龙傲天:“……????”他妈的,说好的只是一个戏子呢?!为什么我是最后一个知道这件事的退婚对象竟然做了我嫂子不好意思,沙雕是真的可以为所欲为的沙雕咸鱼闯荡娱乐圈顺带谈恋爱的故事,团宠万人迷,无他人对主角感情方面箭头团霸沙雕小水獭受X低情商纯情美人攻爽甜,有剧中剧双男主守男德,幼稚园文风真的很小白,大噶看的开心就好不开心尽早放弃QwQ就是说咱这个智商短时间内提高不了,给小天使们磕个了预收《谁勾引你了?》沙雕小甜饼求收藏文案如下:蔺寻第一次见秦珠玉,是在夜场里。被朋友故意带来的他穿一身干净的白衬衣,在昏暗的灯光下惴惴不安,满脸写着想逃离。蔺寻被他跌跌撞撞扑进怀里,那张脸仰起来看他——杏眼修眉,白肤粉面,纯得令人心惊。“先生,不好意思,我不是故意的!”蔺寻喉结滚动两下,道:“ >>
内容简介:衣冠南迁,胡狄遍地,汉家子弟被屠戮殆尽。血雨腥风,刀枪剑影,血性男儿的绝地反击。以挽吾汉之既倒,扶华夏之将倾。他垂危受命,力挽狂澜,救冉闵,灭氐秦,平鲜卑,定天下,创立大魏武卒,横扫天 下!这里有勇冠天下的冉闵、有东山再起的谢安、王羲之、王猛、刘牢之;魏晋士子风流俏佳人,花前月下,剪不断理还乱的爱恨缠绵。且看后世一个叱诧风云的黑道大佬,如何玩转五胡乱华。1w0-84121 >>
内容简介: 一觉醒来,你发现自己进入到一个无尽漆黑的世界,所有人都和你一样,只有一个单独的房间,房间外是无边无尽的黑暗。 在黑暗之中,同时存在了机遇与危险。 谁也不知道走出房间之后,等待自 己的到底是死亡还是辉煌,一切都要依靠自己的运气去探索。 不过幸运的是,你居然能看到黑暗中的提示。 【外面的红衣女子终于离去了,你现在有二十分钟的时间前去探索】 【记住,出门之后,在你的右前方三十米处放了一个箱子,将其拿回来,里面会有惊喜】 【在你的左前方五十米外,那里有一窝神秘的虫卵,将其拿回来,也会有意想不到的作用。】 【千万不要直走,那里有一条毒蛇,正在紧紧盯着你。】 … (本书又名从黑暗开始)1w0-2021 >>
内容简介:近日,LC公司宣布将推出新女团。程惜缘如愿被选中,然而……她看着队友们头上闪亮的【贵族校园文女主】、【女尊国皇帝】、【拥有系统的童星】、【快穿高端玩家】,再抬头看看自己头上白得快要透明 的【路人甲】,心里只有“”黑粉们纷纷嘲笑:“就这样的路人甲能入团?真皇啊!”粉丝们却发现,这样的一个人在团里居然是团霸!在艾辛沫的眼中,在自己预测股票走势百发百中,正害怕引起别人怀疑时,程惜缘在旁边面不改色地抱着手机默默跟投:“今年的股票走势真好呀!”。在薄欢的眼中,程惜缘偶尔会在自己无意间说出“在我们女尊国”和画出不属于这个世界的千里江山图时默默鼓掌道:“哦,你好厉害啊!”在杜秋禾的眼中,程惜缘会在自己在综艺节目里进行大学高数三重积分心算等非常人之举时,掏出手机搜答案,然后一脸钦佩地说“真的诶,你算的好快啊!”在尹蔚的眼中,程惜缘偶尔会在自己看武侠剧本时说漏嘴自己曾经一下飞上三层楼,正惊慌不已找借口时,神色如常地练着舞道:“哦?那你以后舞台可以设计一下。”队友们抱作一团:她到底是什么人?好可怕!程惜缘:今天收入到账了呢!大家以后要继续加油赚钱啊!某人(痴汉脸):老婆真可爱!1w0-81078 >>
Shoubu wa Toki no Un Daro? is actually a series which Takaguchi co-writes with another artist. SEVEN is a solo work using many of the same characters, but takes place slightly later. It is about the members of the basketball team at a sports-based high school. The first chapter focuses on a new character, Kiyoshi. Although he is attending a sports-based school, he is unable to play sports because of a childhood accident. He isn't dealing well, until Nana (Seven) takes him under his wing and asks him to be the manager of the club. Nana is a senior and captain of the basketball team. Kiyoshi quickly falls for him. But most of Nana's attention is focused on his coach, Saegusa. The man practically built the basketball team from scratch and was manager at one point. He played basketball in middle school, but fell prey to some kind of chronic illness and wasn't able to play after that. All his life he worked with the goal that he would one day be able to play again. But suddenly, he realizes that it will never happen. He begins drinking and becomes depressed. Nana works to pull him out of it, and perhaps they grow too close... from Tranlated Treasures
Story 1: 'Real Kiss' by Miyasaka Kaho The player, Fujikawa Mitsuki, likes to tease Haruna. One day their cell phones get switched. What will happen next? [Taken from Shoujo Crusade] Story 2: 'Body Talk' by Doumoto Nao Yuuri falls in love at first sight with Shingo, a basketball player from another school. From that moment on, she pursues him relentlessly. How will their relationship work out? Note: Due to nudity, this work is recommended for 16+. Story 3: 'Atashi no Mannaka' by Watanabe Shiho In their school, dating was forbidden. Unknowingly, their secret kiss was seen. Now the principal's son is interested in her and takes matters into his own hands. Enmeshed in a dizzying spiral of desire and betrayal, where will she find love? Note: Due to nudity and 'consensual rape', this work is recommended for 16+. [From Tenshi-Tachi] Story 4: 'Uso to Koi no Hajimari' by Shimaki Ako Akane does a favor for her friend, Tomoko, by agreeing to show her childhood friend, Ken-kun, around Tokyo while pretending to be Tomoko! Will she be found out? Story 5: 'Ah! Itoshi no Caramel Boy' by Kayono Akira and Yuujirou, who are childhood friends, both love to surf, and both have an unrequited love for each other. This is because after Yuujirou kissed Akira a year ago, she slaps him! Now all he does is bully Akira and Akira has feelings of regret for slapping him! Story 6: 'Renai Sensou' by Sugi Emiko When Hiromi appears to be cheating on his girlfriend, she become furious and goes in search of a new boyfriend.
1) Solely S, Absolutely M Mamiya has gorgeous looks, terrific grades and outstanding sports reflexes. He’s very popular with the girls in his class, but seems to have no interest in them whatsoever. Sawako is the only girl who treats Mamiya like a slave. She thought there’d be no change in their relationship, but…!? 2) Jitter Bug When Akane's mother died, she thought she was all alone in the world. Then she found out that her father is still alive and that she has three brothers. What will she do when she finds herself falling for her younger brother? 3) My Dear Cat Hosoya Mizuki is a university student who has a boyfriend. One day on the way back from school she sees a beautiful cat with one blue eye and one brown eye which seems to mesmerize her. What will happen to poor Mizuki when she will meet a handsome guy with one blue eye and one brown eye and what about her boyfriend? 4) Bet!! When she secretly took a picture of Saeki-kun, the no.1 popular guy on campus, she witnessed a scene she really wasn’t supposed to!? A bet has been made by him that if he can make her fall in love with him within a week, she'll have to delete that picture... who will win this bet? 5) Love Planetarium Satoko Fukaya is heartbroken after being dumped by her boyfriend, because she was transferring to another school. While crying she is suddenly pulled into the planetarium by Nanasawa Kouki who seems to have taken an interest in her. 6) M's Dejection Sawako continues to treat her boyfriend like her slave, resulting in Mamiya thinking about breaking up.(Note: this are actually a few pages taken from the original manuscript of 'Solely S, Absolutely M' )
From Hee Jung Park comes ten stories of love, sadness, longing and alienation. A young man finds himself continuously drawn into the orbit of future suicide victims, while another finds redemption in an unlikely ally. And an apathetic lover can only enliven his pallid relationship with the crimson color of blood... 1) Blood 2) So Long... 3) Crazy Guy 4) Feel So Good 5) Insomnia 6) Ember 7) Kwanglim is Amazing 8) Music Box 9) Ul Heul Lee 10) Crybaby Angel
Richard Wagner summary: Richard Wagner summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Richard Wagner. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Garnet Lacey - Dead If I Do summary: Garnet Lacey - Dead If I Do summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Garnet Lacey - Dead If I Do. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Devil's Touch summary: Devil's Touch summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Devil's Touch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The New You and the Holy Spirit summary: The New You and the Holy Spirit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The New You and the Holy Spirit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.