


























简介朝夕相处16年的青梅竹马早已经分不清亲情还是爱情的界限了,本以为永远陪伴,一生缘分走下去……而一次意外竟让原本只属于她的他 “撞”进了时尚界娱乐圈,看着他踏进耀眼光鲜靓丽的新世界,明星路道阻且长,是渐行渐远还是不悔相伴?而接踵而来的时尚御姐、明星女王又让他如何纠结,如何选择……








内容简介:意外炼成的一颗三无仙丹破天荒的诞生了灵智,玉鼎真人看着来回蹦跳的仙丹陷入了沉思,莫非他真有炼丹的潜质?一晃数年过去,眼见洞中仙丹愈发懂事,玉鼎真人福至心灵,将其点化,收为道童,令其接客 待物,左右洞中杂事。奈何,仙丹本非此间客,一心为饵,欲要垂钓诸公,发家致富。封神大劫,陈沐:“我只是一颗涉世未深的仙丹,什么都不懂,道友不会为难我吧?”情景1:“不会,你走吧。”陈沐:“嗯嗯,小道这就打道回府。”情景2:“不行,到嘴的仙丹怎能放走!拿来吧你!”陈沐:“嗯?道友!你摊上大事了!”ps:时间线,洪荒末期拯1w0-75992 >>


内容简介:  我们的个性都是圆的,  红旗下孕育着新的生命,  在新时代成长的新一代。  生于70年代的主角,再次踏上了一条他从未走过的人生路,假如这一天来临,假如时光能倒流,在这个变革的年代里 ,路实在是太多了,让人眼花缭乱。  看着荆棘密布的不见得就难走,看着平坦的不一定是通途,路得走过才知道,我们跟着主角一起上路吧,看看他能走到哪里去。  新书《大宋有毒》正在上传,书友群137118014 ,欢迎光临指导……1w0-1573 >>




内容简介:  一个月前张恒发现自己一天的时间多出了24个小时,与此同时他也被卷入到一场危险的游戏中……  另类无限流,轻松向。  不要太纠结细节,当tvb看看就好。  群号:1943293151 w0-35 >>


内容简介:大多数人只知道泰国的降头术,却不知道中国本土的降门,才是所有降头术的根源。俗话说得好:“降师无有南洋祖,顶奉三教是正宗。”我来给各位说说,中国本土降头师的那些事新书期麻烦大家都投一下票 每天的期待票跟推荐票都要谢谢大家啦【更新还是老规矩,一天两更哈】【本人已完本老书推荐《鬼谷尸经》《狗一样的江湖》《度鬼师》】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《葬鬼经》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84352 >>

Love Rental

Summary from Liquid Passion: Ren is a cat from the Pet rental organization. He can give his master anything they desire as long as they don't hurt him. What will his new owner want him to do? (Hint: It starts with s and ends in x...)

Gamble Fish

The story is set at Shishidou, a school attended by rich and elite people. Tomu Shirasagi, a gambler, is a mysterious new transfer student who has come from a public school (instead of a prestigious private one) and faces the elitist environment. There, he declares a challenge toward any student and claims he will bring to the ruin the whole school through a series of gambling matches. Nobody knows why he has come to that school or what the real motivations behind his actions are. During any match, Tomu shows off all of his unique coolness and ability. He employs a wide range of tricks, both psychological and physical, to ensure his victory. In any game, you will constantly ask how he's planning to win, why he's really doing certain things, and what's really going on. At the end of the matches, the tricks are revealed, and they all work in real life, even if they do require one to be highly skilled or lucky in order to perform them. The story centers around the various matches he undertakes and the interactions between the various characters, like Mika Shishidou, the beautiful granddaughter of the school headmaster, who is highly intelligent but contemptuous and superb, or Abidani, the vampiric looking dorm superintendent and main villain (for now) in the series, who has a sadistic personality and whose goal is to make Tomu leave his school (or to get him killed). As the story unfolds, more about Tomu's past is revealed, leading to unpredictable turns of events.


A woman fantasizes about the mechanic who works next door to her office building. These fantasies involve being the car the mechanic is fixing. From the anthology 'Girls Only.'

Cutlass Ii

from Fantasy Shrine:] Blessed with looks and brains, Tsubasa is cool with everyone except the devil-may-care Tokimaru, whom he refuses to open his heart to, in fear of Tokimaru's safety. As fate would have it, they are both dragged into another dimension when an unknown entity attacks them and tries to snatch the 'secret' from Tsubasa. For 2 months, these two venture in the wonderland where pirates and wizards roam! What in the world is the 'secret'? And who is the blond pirate, Silver, who seems to be helping them?

Abroad with the Jimmies

Abroad with the Jimmies summary: Abroad with the Jimmies summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Abroad with the Jimmies. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Outcast Magician and the Power of Heretics

Outcast Magician and the Power of Heretics summary: Seiya, an outcast magician, is kidnapped with his cla.s.smates one day and his life is in danger. But at that time, the original power of Seiya was awakened and he escaped safely from the crisis! But that power was considered heretical, Seiya was no longer a outcast, he was a heretical magician who is the subject hated by the country.

The Well Of Lost Plots

The Well Of Lost Plots summary: The Well Of Lost Plots summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Well Of Lost Plots. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Four Stages Of Cruelty

The Four Stages Of Cruelty summary: The Four Stages Of Cruelty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Four Stages Of Cruelty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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