简介在你不愿死去而死去的时候,把想说却未能说出的话都告诉我吧,幸会,我是魏死死。 本作目前每周三周日更新!红票,收藏,五星,分享,评论,月票,打赏,请大家多多支持!官方Q群详见漫画互动页!
简介一朝穿越成著名的山阴公主,面对历史上必死的结局,她将如何改变命运?前路崎岖,暗涛汹涌,险象环生。天下为棋局,谁是博弈操棋人?【出品:微漫画,总监制:天空,原作:天衣有风,主笔:子涅 编剧:Gloomy_咕噜咪 分镜:Gloomy_咕噜咪 上色:玄裳夙安】 每周五更新 一群:652952116 三群:226385248 四群:519195747 五群:322988269
内容简介:又名《修真世界的种田生涯》穿越女尊世界当晚,母亲造反失败,被女帝逼婚的萧然在剑仙叶婉秋救助后,走上了一条修行道路。在女子为强的世界,要么依赖于女子,要么就只能独立。没有修行天赋,只有着 倾城样貌的他选…1w0-96279 >>
内容简介:《重生美人咸鱼且难哄》正在连载中苏澜被接回苏家的那日,全京城都知道了。众人都想看看被遗忘十余年的苏家五小姐是何模样。可见到苏澜的一刻,众人纷纷疑惑。不是说她在穷乡僻壤里长大吗?这弱不禁 风,一阵风就能吹倒的病恹恹小美人是谁?冬猎上:各家小姐纷纷上马射箭围猎。只有苏澜扶着马鞍欲哭无泪,“这马好高,我上不去。”好不容易被人搀扶着上了马,苏澜提着弓箭又涨红了脸,“这弓好沉,我抬不动。”而围猎的另一边,某个小萝卜头站在某男面前,“晋王,你可有喜欢的女子?”他挑眉:“没有,怎么了?”小萝卜头一脸激动,“既然如此,你觉得我姑姑怎样?我姑姑可厉害了。”晋王笑了,“哦?你姑姑很厉害?”小萝卜头:“嗯,我姑姑骑术精湛,还能降烈马。”晋王看了眼弱不禁风的苏澜。小萝卜头继续:“我姑姑百步穿杨,一箭能射天上雁。”晋王又看了眼手无缚鸡之力的苏澜,唇角噙着笑意,“哦,是吗?还有呢?”小萝卜头挠了挠头,想到前两日苏澜与他说的话,他眼睛一亮,“我姑姑说她比你还厉害些,能一只手把你按在地上打。”晋王不禁失笑,“是吗?那我也觉得你姑姑很厉害。”这是一个某狼装作小白兔“兴风作浪”,又被另一只狼捉回去的故事。(本文狩猎为历史背景需要,贩卖饲养和食用野生动物的行为是错误的哟!)——————————————————专栏《重生美人咸鱼且难哄》正在连载,欢迎戳一戳【文案】这几日,京城坊间皆言太傅之女阮蘅撞坏了脑子,竟在献王府外撒泼,说自己是献王妃,引得众人耻笑。可只阮蘅自己清楚,她分明就是在与李玠新婚争吵后重生了,这男人不记得她也就罢了,竟还毫不留情将她撵了出去。重生了那有如何,她本就是他明媒正娶的妻子,这辈子亦要赖死在他献王府中。阮蘅扬言,一个月不拿下李玠,她不姓阮!全京城都等着看她笑话。李玠近日有些烦躁,阮蘅不仅时时纠缠,与往日相较还变本加厉,更甚者,竟不要脸处处提及自己是献王妃。他当真没瞧过这般厚颜的女子。而阮蘅不以为意,逮着机会就来给他送茶糕点,每每情深凝望时便唤他一声“阿玠。”他分明不喜,却总不由心悸。每日糕点小物什不断,可他从未碰过。他每每心惊,女人似能看穿人心,竟知晓他所有喜好。可不知哪一日起,阮蘅忽而变了个人似的,整日只在府里种花养鱼,题字作画,不争不抢,旁人提起李玠时,她只是淡淡回以一笑。等了几日都未再等到人的李某人终是坐不住了,亲自寻上了太傅府。躺在太妃椅上的阮蘅懒懒地睁眼,“献王怎么突然到访,可是要寻家父?”“先前是阮蘅不懂事叨扰王爷了,日后不会了。”李玠:“……”“阮蘅,你又搞什么名堂。”婢女瑟瑟发抖,“王爷,我家姑娘几日前好像又把脑子撞坏了……”阮蘅躺在贵妃椅上装死,她 >>
内容简介:神帝无敌最新章节列:小说《神帝无敌》邪羊著神帝无敌全文阅读关于神帝无敌:战天帝、斗神邸、拥美人,无敌神帝威震三界,六合八荒唯我独尊!看重生后的云天如何逆转乾坤,霸冠寰宇、傲冠苍穹!1w 0-67678 >>
内容简介:【一句话文案】古板直男大叔与穿越假萝莉间不得不说的故事。【正经版文案】现代大龄女青年江春,穿越成农女江春娘。想种田?大家庭可不是那么和睦的,村人可不是那么淳朴的!想从医?试可不是那么好 考的,病1w11280-84709 >>
内容简介:免费提供作者王者至尊的经典小说:《都市尖兵》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说他是华夏最神秘特种部队有史以来最年轻的指挥官,是华夏上头警卫局最顶尖的教官兼保镖, 一次莫名其妙的婚约任务使他重回都市,伴随而来的是无数的美女和麻烦,当祖国需要时他总是能挺身而出,他用他超人的智慧和身手书写着属于他自己的都市传奇。1w0-77346 >>
内容简介: 祝觉成为了轮回者,穿梭在轮回世界中执行任务…《午夜凶铃》:那一卷录像带记录着童年阴影,对于所有轮回者来说代表死亡,但他却知道破解诅咒的方法。《僵尸世界大战》:所有轮回者都低估了这个 世界的僵尸的战斗力,但他却能免疫僵尸,在尸群中来去自如。《死囚乐园》:轮回者既死囚,而他却能成为死囚的主宰者,掌控游戏规则!《魔兽》《全职猎人》《生化危机》……飘舞吧,黑暗中的乌鸦们!!!(新书启航,请系好安全带,扔掉行囊,跟着我的新车…新书一起自由的飞翔。)1w0-3480 >>
The practitioner's Dan energy originates from the moon sun and five elements, the body has five elements, since all living things have the five elements, regarding the issue if humans can train the Dan, there are two main views: one party believes using people will result in many difficulties, thus they only use the elemental energy from external sources, they are called true practitioners, the other party believes the body is the supreme thing under the heavens, in order to increase their strength exponentially, they use other people, they are called nefarious practitioners. True practitioners and nefarious practitioners' battle, is now unfolding!!! - Gamernissem
Consists of a collection of oneshots. 1) Love After Contract I (Koi wa Keiyaku no Atode) Kazuto wakes up with a hangover and finds himself lying in bed with a stranger. The stranger, Takasugi, is a young CEO and he announces to him that he bought Kazuto in exchange for one million yen for a month before his arranged marriage. 2) Love After Contract II Kazuto continues the contract with Akihiko... Nothing has happened after the last time when they are in the bed together... Kazuto is actually expecting something more than just a dating...but it seems no responds from Akihiko besides kissing... What should Kazuto do...? 3) Kiss Prescription I Mutsuki Yuasa, a very dependable & diligent student council vice-president has loved Gaku Tougou, his very soppy friend, since they were childhood neighbours. But now Gaku is taller than him, very popular among girls and bosses about Mutsuki. 4) Kiss Prescription II Mutsuki & Gaku's relationship is getting closer but not yet stable... as the 3rd party is taking actions to snatch Mutsuki from Gaku... What will Gaku do? 5) Too Close For Love (Koi wo Suru) Fumiya, a crybaby, lost his parents when he was a child. He was taken in by his relatives who had a son of the same age, Eiji. Fumiya complains about Eiji's treating him as an infant.
Collection of crazy tales of love. 1) Electrical Shock Love Machine One of the most beautiful and popular girls in school, has zero interest in boys or romance. That is, until she meets Bansaku. He seems like a very average boy, unless one looks very closely... and Madoka does. She becomes so hypnotized by the little things about him that she loses her good senses, and when she regains them, she finds herself touching poor Bansaku, who has no idea what she's playing it! Madoka has spent her life dodging the unwelcome advances of desperate male love machines... Does Bansaku feel the same sort of disgust for Madoka's long-repressed, electrically-charged lust? 2) My Baby: Morimura Aki's handsome looks attract women by the thousands, but his violent manner keeps them all at arm's length. As an innocent bystander, Moe couldn't have cared less... until one of his outbursts led to her injury! Now revenge is a matter of pride. But when she exacts it, there's an unexpected result...? (No, really, you'll never guess if you don't read it!) 3) Like in Cinderella: When Chiyo lost her job and had to take on work picking weeds for the rich, she never expected to become like Cinderella. But when Yoshimune, the handsome young master of the Tokugawa Financial Empire, runs away from his 'castle' with her, that's what Chiyo is certain will happen. But there's no guarantee that these two will live happily ever after, because this fairy tale isn't Cinderella's -- it's Chiyo's! 4) Don't Get Me into It: None of Ichirou's home tutors ever come back after the first tutoring session, but Takigawa Megu can't imagine why -- he's so cute! And... tied down in his chair!? It turns out that Ichirou is a complete and utter brat! Megu makes it her mission to prove herself superior to him, and Ichirou is actually impressed? Now, every time he gives her an inch, he gets her a little more into it. Before long, Megu feels like tutoring Ichirou... in the ways of LOVE!
In Kali's Country summary: In Kali's Country summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In Kali's Country. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Evilution. summary: Evilution. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Evilution.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Strongly Pampered Male Wife summary: How long would a marriage be able to sustain when it had nothing to do with love, and how would a marriage based on power and monetary transaction be able to last? The person in Shang Yushang’s embrace was his male wife. A temporary wife that was bought to get rid of bad luck. But ever since the moment he had this person in his arms, he decided not to let go of him. He Changning obeyed his so-called family’s decision and married himself off. Thinking that, when this transaction was over, he can live his own life happily ever after. But, little did he know that he had just stepped into a big net filled with warmth that was specially weaved for him and that he would never have a chance to get out of it.
Legend of the Swordking summary: The sword’s edge dictates: he is unrivaled under heaven. A youth whose failure to awaken resulted in crippled meridians and broken cultivation. He endures scorn and mocking to enter the Ten Thousand Spirit Academy as the lowliest external student. However, with a fortunate encounter, his spirit meridians were reborn. He, who possessed a deep foundation, will step by step raise his name above the academy, influence the entire northern region, and with a sword in hand, become unstoppable across the DragonSpirit Continent.