简介腐女也有春天!千南集团实习生尹路最近又迷上一对男男CP——同公司的总经理和副总经理!两个惊天大帅哥本来就是值得腐女YY的对象嘛!欸?什么鬼?为什么本来就应该在一起的家伙怎么都来和她告白啊? “住,住口!我才不要成为你们之间的第三者!(每周二更新)
内容简介:灵魂造化于源,诸神豢养众生。当诸神的谎言被勘破,灾难必将降临。“既然诸神称吾等为魔,那便随我猖獗疯魔,屠神灭佛,演绎场传说!”我叫凌云飞,当双手挣扎着从坟墓里爬出,有关英雄屠神的传说也 由此拉开了帷幕!“小子,我看你骨骼清奇,乃是千年难得一见的武道奇才,随我霸占光辉源大陆的重任就要落在你的肩上。这里有无数斗战圣法,可任你挑选,但是……你有姐姐吗?表姐也行!哪怕妹妹呢?”“……”“靠!都没有还说个球,功法还我!”多少年后,凌云飞游走在大千世界,掐着眼前粉雕玉琢般孩童的脸蛋,嘴角噙着一抹若有若无的邪笑……“我非英雄,只是想干死诸神的疯魔!”已内签,可放心收藏。书友群:199569934本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我从坟墓里爬出》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-74338 >>
内容简介:【本文1V1,基本格调:甜宠互撩】星际海盗,国际黑客,神秘杀手一朝身死重生校园体,绑定‘好人系统’开启了校园虐渣成神之路。可是为什么会碰到那么多黏人又勾人的小妖精?学霸校草眨着眼睛问, “歌歌,这道题怎么做啊?”叶弦歌:“”你认真的吗?问学渣题目?柔弱小奶狗笑的很甜:“殿下,你想对我做什么都可以的!”叶弦歌:“”不好意思,我什么都不想做!求求你们乖乖做个好人,别一言不合就缠住她不放好不好。二十年母胎solo的叶弦歌表示顶不住。男主一见钟情女主,女主日久生情男主【高贵冷艳闷骚内心戏多女主VS柔弱偏执占有欲强男主】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿直播之拯救黑化男神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-87814 >>
内容简介:海圆历1484年,洛克斯惨败于卡普和罗杰联手,与神之峡谷一起消失。而吃了黄泉果实上位果实——幽冥果实的海贼的尸体,阴差阳错被来自地球的灵魂占据。从此大海上多了一个传说——四皇之上有冥皇 !1w0-31403 >>
内容简介:1贝暖发现自己穿进一本无cp末世文里,变成书中的圣母女配,专拖小队后腿,最后为救一城人牺牲队友,被读者骂成筛子。贝暖:男主我认识,剧情我知道,女配逆袭我擅长啊脑中叮地一声:圣母任务开启 ,在男主面前表现圣母,圣母度百分百才能离开哦。贝暖:……小剧场:贝暖:老大爷,这是我们最后一块毯子,您盖着吧贝暖:小朋友,你快跑,我们帮你断后贝暖:这位呲着牙想咬人的兄弟,想尝尝牛肉干吗?这是最后一块,归你了~丧尸:???队友:男主:……(这位圣母你戏过了吧?)贝暖:(严肃)(我发现投喂丧尸也加分,真的)2男主陆行迟碾压一切,是bug级的存在,却百密一疏,眼睁睁看着小队团灭。重生后第一件事,就是打算把那朵圣母白莲花扔进丧尸堆里。一天天拖下去,越来越下不了手了。小剧场2贝暖(采访):请问在末世,你为什么肯和我这样的人组队?队友1:因为遇到危险你一定会救我,末世嘛,骗子太多,傻瓜有点不够用,且用且珍惜。队友2:因为没有你,整队人里我就跑得最慢。队友3:因为我觉得你不是圣母,是个沉迷圣母戏的黑化大佬,蹭个大腿抱哈队友陆某:留着暖床。贝暖:ω小剧场3:系统:新任务解锁,现在起二十四小时,在男主面前秀圣母不再获得圣母值,在男甲乙丙丁面前秀圣母,会有双倍圣母值加成哦贝暖:竟然有这种好事?陆行迟发现,昨天她还在他面前信誓旦旦,说什么“我要寸步不离地跟着你,和你分开的每一秒都是浪费生命”,今天人就彻底不见了。【虽然每天做好事但我真的不是好人】一心只想做任务必杀技眨眨眼睛装可怜沙雕型女主vs专业级鉴婊专家男主小甜文,轻松款,1v1,he每晚九点准时更新,修改全都不用理,一定是捉虫。预收文《云养的毛茸茸是大魔王》求收藏【你不rua猫,猫就rua你】1安稚在云养宠物网站云养了一只毛茸茸,每天跟它聊天,隔空投喂,在线舔屏。毛茸茸的主人从来没露过面,却会给安稚留言,声音清润动听。一养就是两年,有一天,那只毛茸茸的频道突然从网站上消失了。安稚失落了好些天,最后下定决心,从宠物店抱回一只小猫崽。结果隔天就有人找上门。是个身着镶毛素锦长袍的男人,他看一眼安稚怀里抱着的小猫崽,俊美无俦的脸瞬间阴沉:“我才走几天,你就敢有别的猫了?”安稚和猫崽:喵喵喵??2魔王符渊在青翳镜里云养了一只人类,每天跟她聊天,隔空投喂,在线舔屏。大家都知道如今符渊有了只宠物,无比可爱,居然天生不长毛。符渊视若珍宝,每天贴身带着,寸步不离,随手就rua,rua个不停,天天被咬。有一天他忽然宣布要跟宠物大婚。大家:???小剧场:符渊:吱吱,过来,看,新买的人粮,喜不喜欢?安稚:安稚:谁是吱吱,走开安稚:安稚:大闸蟹诶!油焖虾诶 >>
内容简介:徒儿,为师真的不好色刚到异世,秦沐便继承了一山之主,收下小萝莉南宫玉为徒。人族、妖族、魔族,连年征战不休!唯有他凭借一手占卜奇术,跳出命运长河,乾坤拿弄。“师父,你真的有收集那个东1w 0-71065 >>
内容简介:圣光历2998年3月,阿拉尔大陆艾伦瑞斯帝国首都艾伦瑞斯城北二十公里外一片稀疏树林里,一位十六七岁的少女手持一柄长剑,快速穿插在树间空隙,旋身,横挥,滑行,洒出一道金色剑气,将前方一棵 一人合抱的大树根部炸成灰烬,大树轰然倾倒。持剑少女168公分,小巧的头颅,一头笔直金色长发顺滑柔亮,细长的眉毛弯弯如月,水蓝的标准尺度双眼皮眼睛清澈明亮,可爱的鼻子细致挺翘,粉红微翘的薄薄小嘴晶莹透亮,小巧的瓜子脸流畅柔和,细嫩的颈脖白皙柔软,34D的碗形胸脯挺翘饱满,一件雪白的丝质无袖短衣堪堪遮过胸脯,裸露着可爱享受阅读享受午后阳光带来的慵懒惬意,一杯下午茶一本好书。享受生活,享受小说给您带来的美好时光从现在开始。本站全面拒绝弹窗,绿色免费喜欢小说喜欢小站希望您点击分享把心情分享给大家吧!1w53193-95837 >>
From the Animeraider: Have you ever read a manga and thought to yourself, 'Why the hell did he do that? It's not what I would have done. I could do better!' Well, now here's your chance. This manga changes storyline depending upon choices you, the reader, make. Have fun!
(Summary from here): Wakamatsu Masato lives with his step-sister, Miyuki, whom he does not have blood relationship with. Their father is always working oversea (in fact, he has not appeared in the manga at all...) and left the two of them living by themselves in Toukyou. Miyuki is cute, nice, sensitive and very popular among guys around Masato. Masato has a girlfriend at school whose name is Kajima Miyuki, who is pretty and gentle, the ideal dream of every high school boy. It took years for Masato and his sister to realize whom they love and care most after a lot of events. The manga is very nicely written, with excellent layout, interesting story and character developments, refreshing art style and filled with youth and emotion. It also shows the dramatic improvement of the author's skill.
From Shoujo Crusade: Akari always goes to a particular coffee shop, but not for their coffee. It's to see Naruse Hijiri-kun, a waiter who's totally Akari's type. And then suddenly one day she finds him waiting outside her school? Also includes: • Haru Koi Kaede has been trying to befriend her desk neighbour Muromachi Isami, but when she greeted him, he yelled at her?! In fact every time she greets him, he glares at her. Not giving up, Kaede tries to see the good (cute) side in him... • Power of Love Mikoto has always felt lonely ever since her parents divorced, but she starts living in a new family with a dad and a son in her age, Shou. As much as tries to have a happy family in her new home, Shou seems to be reluctant, but our happy-go-lucky Mikoto will not give up! • Flying Start! • Haru ni Kaze to Yuki ga Furu!
Set in an all boy’s Catholic school, it tells the story of one Kanan Hatori – a stunningly beautiful but damaged boy who spreads his legs for anyone who would have him. Once betrayed by the person he loved, the emotionally damaged Kanan has vowed never to fall in love again. Because of his beauty, many men he has slept with want him to be theirs; but Kanan always seems to be just dancing out of their reach… He is like the ever elusive wind – you want to touch it, want to bottle it, but the moment you close you’re fist around it thinking you have it in the palm of you’re hand, it just slips right through the gaps between you’re fingers… Jake Langley is the school’s corrupt priest. Just as Kanan had been known to sleep around with anybody, so too is Jake. Using his additional post as a Counselor, Jake openly “entertains” students, even in front of Kanan! But unbeknownst to anyone else, Jake is from a race of vampires that feeds on humans – specially the students he seduces, and he has set his eyes on Kanan to be the next victim. How will he fare? Will he finally be able to bottle this elusive wind, or will Kanan slip through his fingers just as he has slipped through everyone else’s? And what of Jake, what are his true intentions for Kanan? Does he really view him as just another goal to be conquered, or is there more to it? Will Kanan comply, or will he stay true to his reputation and forever remain just out of reach… *********** Because of a painful past experience, Kanan can't believe in love again. Yet after meeting with the priest and school Counselor, Jake, he begins to experience the joy he longs for. Even the strong possessiveness of Jake's, that is beyond normal, to Kanan is also a wonderful feeling...
Abe Lincoln Gets His Chance summary: Abe Lincoln Gets His Chance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Abe Lincoln Gets His Chance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Adventures of a Widow summary: The Adventures of a Widow summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of a Widow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Journalism for Women summary: Journalism for Women summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Journalism for Women. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Kantan na Monitor desu summary:
Welcome to Attraction Land.
You all have been brought to this world famous amus.e.m.e.nt park for a certain task that you have been promised an extraordinary reward for helping us with.
We will be asking you to carry out a simple monitoring. We will be showing you doc.u.ments outlining some experimental attractions as well as image videos for them.
Oh, and we would like for you to provide at least three points of improvement for each attraction. Answer everything and do not leave any s.p.a.ces on your form blank.
It does not matter how small a thing it is.
Now, it is time to begin monitoring.