




















类别搞笑 后宫 爆笑 剧情


只因与她一梦之约,我愿跨越天山南北—— 甜野南疆少女和都市学霸酷姐, 从相隔百里的素不相识,到双向奔赴的人生挚友…… “试试吧,我总感觉那并不是梦。” …… 五年了, 没想到真的能在天山那边遇到她。


简介【每周六更新】进演艺圈的动机是不纯的。路人甲跑龙套是不走心的。而与男神相遇则是套路的。沐向南,生来就是NPC的命,逗比的心,怀揣复仇,强行改写演艺圈求生剧本!【恋恋星耀官方一号群 628527069】不写正确暗号没有群进的哦


简介真灵大陆,宗门千万,强者如林。一个大家族子弟因为奇异的变故从庸才变为天才,不但能过目不忘,感知敏锐,领悟力更是直上云霄,成为妖一样的存在。 热血激烈的对决,顶级天才的碰撞,武学不再局限于凡间,同样能翻江倒海,上天入地。一切皆在剑道独尊!






内容简介:杀手王者叶皇回渝城成为一名大学教师,遇到火辣妖娆的36D警花,不食人间烟火的美女教师,古灵精怪的学生美眉,制服诱惑,都市白领,将是怎样的一段旖旎美妙的历程?男儿两行泪,一行为苍生,一行 为美人……★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★黑暗粉丝群:118122393【订阅截图可进】萝莉,御女,警花,校花,扮猪吃老虎,杀手,叶皇本文走轻松路线,仅供娱乐休闲1w0-26986 >>




内容简介:这个世界一直有这样一种人:能够行走于阴阳两界,占卜过去未来,甚至还具有强大的力量能镇压妖邪,他们就是传说中的——通灵师!楚乔,神巫世家第二十三代嫡系女传人,身具神巫灵血,手掌通灵幻兽, 契约了如妖孽一般的持有灵,还有与生俱来的鬼瞳让一切妖孽鬼祟无处遁形!学校公寓的女厕中,总有人半夜兜售红马甲;博物馆中的血玉,竟然牵扯出千年前的一段爱恨情仇;美丽的苜蓿花田中,终日游荡着一个执着于不伦之爱的美丽灵魂一桩桩灵异事件接踵而来。原本楚乔以为自己可以去牛叉哄哄的拯救世界了,可谁来告诉她——为什么她的通灵幻兽是个只知道吃且毒舌的家伙?为什么她的持有灵是个怕鬼的家伙?亲,你本来就是鬼好不好?!为什么那个同样身为通灵师的未婚夫,只会眨着如小鹿一般纯净的大眼睛,拉着她的衣角小声的叫着:“乔乔,我怕”尽管人生如此杯具,楚乔仍立志做个最伟大的通灵师!迷糊的神巫大人不知道,她那条只知道吃的通灵幻兽,竟然是具有神兽血脉且法力无边的通天灵兽!那只“怕鬼”的妖孽持有灵,居然是三千年前最强大的通灵师!而那个看似如小鹿般无害的未婚夫,其实是一只腹黑无比又宠她无度的“灰太郎”月黑风高,某鬼坐在高高的围墙上,对月吟哦。楚乔举着一只碗,准备收服她通灵师生涯中的第一只鬼——“快到碗里来!”“”如妖孽般的美男鬼,优雅扭头,深情凝视,半晌,微笑,轻启朱唇——“你才到碗里去!”一段狂揍之后——“你就不能找一只大点的碗吗?!”“乔乔,我不是只会吃!”某兽很严肃的道。“你还会什么?”楚乔两眼放光,无比期待。“我还会长肉哇!”某兽揉了揉自己又大了一圈的肚腩,无限忧桑的道,“该减肥了啊”“”楚乔泪流满面,四十五角望天。“哇!乔乔,那边有鬼!我好怕!”某小鹿一手捂眼,一手指着一个方向。楚乔大怒,“敢吓唬我的小男朋友!找死!”撒丫子狂奔而去。小鹿直起身,拍拍手,一道符咒打出,隐匿在暗处的一只枉死鬼立即现行,簌簌发抖,大呼饶命。“敢给我的乔乔添麻烦!你是死的不耐烦了!”某小鹿冷冷一笑,下一瞬间,枉死鬼灰飞烟灭。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《鬼瞳天才通灵师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-78333 >>


内容简介:  【宫廷+女强苏宠+三个萌宝+反套路脑洞+1V1双洁】慕晚羲,风靡全球的影坛女王,一朝穿书成为了真·公主殿下,手握重权,妖孽祸国,还附带三个腹黑小狼崽。看着三个眼神清澈无辜的小崽子, 慕晚羲庆幸还好没有穿越到小崽子们长成暗黑系大佬以后,否则她命不久矣!好在三个小崽崽性情独特,天赋异禀,慕晚羲决定要扮演好慈母的角色,只等把小崽子们养成大佬,抱他们大腿!本想一心扑在养儿大计上,直到某天,慕晚羲被自称是孩子们亲爹的男人劫走,拉她便要入洞房? “你若能得到魔尊的玉玺,国师的宝库,魔医的药宗,还有我七皇叔的兵符为聘!我便嫁!”谁知这狗男人一人千面,上述四人竟然都是他?!聘礼到位,男人霸道问道,“不知娘子喜欢为夫哪个身份?”慕晚羲:??!1w0-3712 >>


内容简介:【金三角之歌】系列第二部庄安妮篇隐形人间富贵花·庄安妮v疯批豪门太子爷·林啸堂◆1v1、HE、甜而宠◆双向奔赴、情有独钟、破镜重圆|庄安妮心中不禁唏嘘,他竟一点没变,表面看似温文尔雅, 实则是个内心阴鸷的斯文败类。举手投足风度翩翩的贵公子,也不过是华服加身的西装暴徒。|这段让她大彻大悟的感情,她曾被他逼到绝境,从她逃离他那一刻,她开始重生、经历痛苦的蜕变。如今,即便他就站在她面前,她1w0-97305 >>


内容简介:佐川涉曾经心平气和的计划好自己的第二次人生。当警校最野的马,扯最绝的犊子,和那几个混蛋瞎闹,然后步入社会,如果好运就活到退休,不好运那就争取让亲友领个一等功。骨灰盒盖国旗。直到有一天他 拜访警视厅1w34981-65607 >>

Koi Shitagari No Blue

From Aerandria Scans: “Won’t you become my girlfriend?” On the day of her high school entrance ceremony, Ao got asked that by Riku, a guy that she has only just met. But by that, he meant to ask her to become his fake girlfriend, just to pretend. Ao was surprised by the sudden request, but after knowing Riku’s true feeling, she decided to agree to become his fake girlfriend...?

Amanin Shoujo Azuki

Wagashino Azuki, training secretly deep in the mountains. She's too clumsy and air-headed to be a ninja, but somehow Azuki ends up as the bodyguard of the heir to a financial empire! 3 mysterious girls also appear. How is this mission going to turn out!? Ninja Action Manga & High School Love Comedy, all in one!

Anata Ga Ireba

Toriko Tsukigata is a beautiful girl who judges guys solely upon their appearance. One day her life changes: Someone tells her that she's the eighth reincarnation of Princess Kaguya, who is a playgirl. To pay for the sins Princess Kaguya commited in her past life, she has to find a guy whom she really loves. If she fails, Toriko will become a hundred-year-old grandma.

Yellow Hex Ad 8C 38

Note #1: Translator of Chinese to Japanese = Mariko SuzukiNote #2: This is actually part of a series of artbooks by Chen Shu Fen and Common/Ping-Fan where the theme is of a certain color. I will only be posting some.Note #3: This is only an excerpt of the artbook.

The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman

The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman summary: The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Verse-Book of a Homely Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre

The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre summary: The Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre was first serialized by Jin Yong in newspapers from 6 July 1961 to 2 September 1963.
The book is the third of the Condor Trilogy. The story has undergone two revisions. The second edition was released in 1979 and and the third edition was published in 2005.
Set in the late Yuan dynasty, the story revolves around a pair of priceless and extremely powerful weapons, the Heaven Reliant Sword (倚天劍) and Dragon Slaying Saber (屠龍刀), which are coveted by many martial artists in the jianghu. Either or both of them are thought to allow their wielder to rule the wulin (martial artists’ community), according to a widely circulated mantra which goes, “Honoured by the wulin, the precious Saber slays the Dragon. It commands the world. Who dares to disobey? If the Heaven Reliant does not appear, who can challenge it?” (武林至尊,寶刀屠龍,號令天下,莫敢不從!倚天不出,誰與爭鋒?). The origins of this mantra are not known at the beginning of the story.
The protagonist, Zhang Wuji, is of mixed heritage: His father, Zhang Cuishan, is an apprentice of Zhang Sanfeng, the highly revered leader of the Wudang Sect; his mother, Yin Susu, is the daughter of Yin Tianzheng, the chief of the “unorthodox” Heavenly Eagle Cult. He spent his childhood on a reclusive northern island, where he was born, with only his parents and his G.o.dfather, Xie Xun, to keep him company. When he is about 10 years old, he returns to the Chinese mainland with his parents. They soon find themselves the target of several martial artists, who try to force them to reveal the whereabouts of Xie Xun and the Dragon Slaying Saber. His parents refuse and commit suicide. At the same time, Zhang Wuji is wounded by the Xuanming Elders, but he survives after seeking medical treatment from Hu Qingniu, an eccentric physician.

David Wolf: Cold Lake

David Wolf: Cold Lake summary: David Wolf: Cold Lake summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of David Wolf: Cold Lake. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

D.I.Y. Delicious_ Recipes And Ideas For Simple Food From Scratch

D.I.Y. Delicious_ Recipes And Ideas For Simple Food From Scratch summary: D.I.Y. Delicious_ Recipes And Ideas For Simple Food From Scratch summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of D.I.Y. Delicious_ Recipes And Ideas For Simple Food From Scratch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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